Chapter 4: Missed Calls...

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It was a fresh early start, I was so tired after the shit night sleep I  had,  after going to bed at 2:00am. But I had a stretch then unfortunately had to get out of bed. As I  got enough energy to get out of bed I had a bath and brushed my teeth. My mum was actually awake today as I  came into the kitchen she said to me

''would you like a bacon sandwich'' 

I responded with...

''yes please''

As I switched on my phone I saw that I three missed calls from Amelia, so quickly I went back to my room and phoned her back. When she answered i said 

''are you ok? sorry i have only just picked up my messages and calls as for some reason my phone turned off''

Amelia suddenly responded in floods of tears, '' OMGGGG NOAH SCCHHHNNAAPP JUST LIKEDDD MY POSTT OM OMG'' I couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying I think it was both to be honest. ''AMELIA you scared me don't do that I thought you had been kidnapped or something'' 

After my conversation with Amelia hysterically crying, I went back downstairs and grabbed my bacon sandwich as said to my mum ''sorry mum i'm going to be late for school thank you for the bacon sandwich though''

''your welcome darling have a good day at school'' my mum replied

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