Chapter 5: School Bus

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When I got onto the school bus, Amelia was already there and once again she had her Noah Schnapp headphones on. Your probably wondering what do I mean but Noah Schnapp headphones well I mean literally headphones with Noah Schnapps face on it.      

 I could hear Why don't we playing full volume on her headphones I'm surprised nobody complained about it as it was so loud!. So I went to her seat a tapped her on the shoulder gently ''Jesus you scared me'' she turned around in a scare. ''sorry'' I said, ''your music is so loud you may want to turn it down a little'' I say laughing. Then she moves her backpack off the seat so I could sit next to her. ''Have you watched anymore of Ackley Bridge'' Amelia asks me  ''of course  I have, that's a silly question really, I have finished season 2 and half way into season 3'' I respond

5 minutes after Amelia and I had been listening to music in our headphones, I decided to tell Amelia the big thing I had been keeping from her. I have been so nervous to tell her that I am a lesbian but I guess its a good thing because that means she can have all the boys in the world and I wont have crushes on her crushes as they are boys. So as I got the courage to tell her I took off my headphones a whispered to myself ''you can do this I know you can''.....

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