Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"Blair's right, about the disgustingly into you part," I laugh, "Zack likes you. A lot."

Blair and I can see it.

Xavier and Hudson can see it.

The entire world can see it.

Just not the two who are obviously crazy about each other.

Nolee smiles, her cheery glow coming back to brighten her beautiful face. She hugs us before walking off to find Zack. Hopefully, the two can talk it out and the misunderstanding can be worked out.

Blair cheekily says to me that she's going to go find Hudson and make out like there's no tomorrow. Those two are halfway to making a baby.

It's weird how each one of us has been tangled with boys within the same friendship circle. And the fact that none of us are being honest with each other. Xavier and I need to talk about what we are.

"Who the fuck is Cha Eunwoo?" Xavier's hot breath fans across my neck as I feel him behind me.

I giggle at his question.

Turning around, my eyes connect with his dreamy, thunderous ones. His black hair is messy, he's got this angry-drunk-lust look in his eyes that is making my thighs woe and his lips are like the apple that tempted Eve.

God, he's so hot.

"Korean actor and singer, he's so perfect." Dreamily, I say.

Xavier raises his brow, lowering his eyes to my lips as he steps closer. My back hits the wall and his arms cage me in.

His scent can make a nun want to strip. Oof.

Gulping, I keep my eyes on him.

"You should watch k-dramas with me, they're fun." Quietly, I make conversation even though my mind is elsewhere.

I want to kiss him until I'm breathless.

Xavier leans in, his pupils dilating as the heat between us rises.

"In your dreams, baby."

My fingers curl around his sweatshirt, tugging him even closer. Xavier towers over me, his eyes hooded and hungry.

"You are in my dreams." I grin, not even a bit shying away from my cheesy words.

Xavier smiles, his dimple popping.

"Is that right?" he leans in until his lips are a breath away from mine, "What am I doing in your dreams?"

I pull him into me until his body is pressed against mine. My breasts brush against his chest and either Xavier has a really big chocolate bar in his jeans or he's too into what we're doing.

"Kissing me..." I whisper.

Xavier's dimple deepens and his eyes glimmer with fire.

In the next moment, we're in an explosive kiss. Wrapping my arms around him, I lose myself in our kiss. Eyes closed, lips dancing, hearts thundering, we're lost in our little paradise. My fingers are tangled in his soft hair, tugging and messing it up more. Xavier brushes his thumbs over my cheeks, and the gesture is soothing yet so hot.

Xavier tilts his head to deepen the kiss and when his hands brush down my back to grab my butt, I moan into the kiss. Xavier groans and pushes me into his impressive hard-on. I whimper as the butterflies go crazy in my tummy and my thighs are aching with need.

The knowledge of knowing what Xavier can do to me with his touch is making me go crazy.

"Xavier..." I breathe airily, sneaking my fingers under his sweatshirt to touch his skin. Toned abs and smooth.

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