𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 25

Start from the beginning

"Magic. I can teach you if you want."

I nodded and picked a muffin. "So, are you like the good wizard or the one that wants something in return?"

"Do not drink from that cup and use your powers for personal gain. Trust me, I've gone down that path before and it did not end well."

"What happened?" His expression turned mournful when I asked. When he hesitated, I knew that he just didn't want to talk about it. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

When I was done with about three muffins, I stood up, dusted myself, thanked Kayden and asked him to teach me some magic.

"Okay, I will teach you how to control the four elements: fire, water, wind and earth. Since you already have the gift of fire, a little water will balance the equation."

He swept his hand in a zig-zag motion and droplets of water from the ground rose and joined together to make a giant bubble of water. "After I teach you how to control water, you can make it a weapon or form it into anything." He demonstrated this by changing the motion of his hands and using two hands like he was moulding something while I watched in fascination.

As he turned and twisted his hands, the bubble of water was given more shape and form until it looked like a water sword. With a quick sweep of his hand, it was hurled into a dead tree, snapping it into two.

I gaped at it in astonishment before turning back to Kayden who had a smug smile on his face.

"Let us begin."


Three hours later, I finally mastered how to draw water from any substance and form it into anything I thought of. "That," I said, collapsing on the floor, "was hectic."

Kayden only chuckled and sat beside my collapsed body. "That was only water. I can only imagine how you would look when I teach you the earth. You probably found it hard because water is the direct opposite of your powers and your body is repelling the spells."

"Then prepare for my burial. I want everyone to wear flamingo pink and not a single black, and you will play 'Call me maybe' on a piano while wearing a chicken costume."

"Honey, I will not wear a chicken costume and I will not play 'Call me maybe'. And it's getting late, you should head back."

"Yeah...so how do I get back home?"

"Click the back of your heels together and say 'There's no place like home'," he said with an amused grin.


"No," he deadpanned. "The griffon will send you back. There will be a book of hexes on your bed; practice the spells. If you need any help know that I am only a mere thought away. Do not forget to practice your spells. Until we meet again, I wish you goodbye, Red."

He whistled loudly and in a minute loud flapping of wings could be heard and a distant 'caw' reverberated. "Thank you for helping me with my powers," I said with a smile.

He nodded as the giant beast landed beside him. "Hey girl," he cooed as he rubbed her furry lion coat and she rubbed her head on him in response. "You remember Chloe? Can you take her back home?"

She cawed in response and strode to me, bending her head down to my level. I reached up and ran my fingers through the feathers on her head making a low rumbling sound to be emitted from her throat. "Hi, Phoenix. Ready to take me home?"

She cawed and bent low for me to get on. In response to her acceptance, I rubbed her feathers one last time before swinging my legs over her huge body frame. After saying goodbye to Kayden, we took off.

Might I say that riding the griffon was the best part of this whole day?

"Whoo-hoo!" I yelled as she tumbled into a barrel-roll.

And for the first time in a long time, I felt...alive.


Unknown POV:

"Sire, she releases a great amount of energy and great power. She must be the Red Wolf. It seems like the Alpha of Blue Moon pack realizes this and has taken every measure to protect her. Rumour also has it that she may be his mate, the future Luna and the introduction ceremony is in the next moon."

Hmm...I leaned in my chair and listened to the rogue with great interest. "So, Chloe Mariana Liens betrays me and is now the mate of an Alpha? We must strike as the iron is still hot. Does she know of her powers?

"Yes, sire. She has started developing her powers of fire and a bit of water."

I hummed and stroked my chin. "You may go," I dismissed the rogue and thought of a plan. We cannot attack during the ceremony as there will be a lot of warriors. An ambush might be useful...

"Maybe I can help," a female voice boomed from a corner of my office.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" She only walked forward and stood in front of me. A light breeze blew through the room and I took a whiff of her scent.

She's not human, vampire, rogue or werewolf.

Only a black cloak enfolded her body from head to toe, the cloak shielding her face from my suspicious gaze.

"What are you?" I asked suspiciously.

"I am one of great ambition such as yourself. We are both alike-"

"We are never alike because you are not of this earth and so I ask again, what are you?" I felt my nails elongating to claws and my fangs growing as a result of my irritation.

"Do not war against me; you shall not win if you do," she said in a low voice.

"We'll see about that," I hissed and sprang out of my chair. In the blink of an eye, I found myself slammed against a wall and an invisible force crushing my spine. I clawed at my chest in vain as realization set upon me. "You're a Dark Witch!" I spat.

I was released abruptly and would have fallen to the floor if not for vampire speed and agility.

"Now you know what I am and I will help you kill all the werewolves starting with the Alpha of Blue Moon pack and I will also give the vampires and the rouges enough power to take over the human race. But nothing comes for free."

I thought about it for a while because one can never trust a witch. A Dark Witch to be exact.

But the idea of destroying not just the wolves, but the entire human race sounded mouthwatering. Vampires could feed whenever we wanted to until our hunger was satiated.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Chloe Liens already trusts me and that serves as an inside attack. Besides, I only require one thing from her, so helping you is more or less of my free will."

"What do you require?"

"The powers of the Red Wolf."

Outrageous! "Why would I want to do-"

"Silence! Do not question me, for I can end your life with the snap of my fingers. Her soul proves very useful to the Demon King and her powers thereof. All I need you to do is to cause a distraction during the ceremony, preferably after she has been crowned Luna, to accomplish my mission. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we do. Soon, we shall rise once and for all.

Chosen By The Moon - First In The Red Wolf Series.Where stories live. Discover now