Chapter 1: Introduction

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It was a cold winters morning in Novemeber, and i started my day by hopping out my bed at 6:30am and doing the normal morning things anyone would do except... having a 7 month old puppy, you have to get up early! After i had just sat down and started eating my crunchy cornflakes i get a message from my mum even though she's in the other room, asking me to make her a hot cup of tea. So up i got i turned on the noisey kettle on and made her a cup of tea, when i walk into her room she had obviously fallen back to sleep, as she was snoring and snorting away ''someones tired'' i said to myself i popped her tea on her little white bedside table and walked back to the kitchen. About an hour later after scrolling on my for you page on Tik Tok my hand was getting a bit achy, so I got my sketch pad out and started drawing some random sketches. Around 9:20am my mum woke up from her long sleep coma, she came into the kitchen and made herself another cup of tea. After my mum had finished her 9th cup of tea and we had both got dressed, and I got my woolly hat and wellies on and we headed off our local woods called the Highwoods. Once we got to the Highwoods, Lady my puppy had a nice run around. When I got home I facetimed my best friend Amelia there are two things you should know about Amelia, one she has a HUGE crush on Noah Schnapp, Corbyn Besson and Bradley Simpson and the second thing you should know is she has one serious messed up sleeping pattern. When I was on the phone to Amelia, she explained to me that her mums friend is in a tv show called Ackley Bridge and normally Amelia is going on and on and on and onnnn about Noah Schnapp or one of the other celeb crushes she has, to be honest I forgot who is who and who she has a crush on she has so many [including most 15-16 year olds]. But today was different today Amelia was talking about this tv show and she asked me to watch it so I said sure why not!

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