After arriving at the medical ward of the hideout, I asked them to wait while I was looking for something. They were staring at me bewildered when I came back with a glass and a scroll.

Rolling out the scroll, putting my hand on it and infusing chakra in it. *Poof* Smoke appeared in the middle of the scroll, when the smoke disappeared there could be seen a small container with red liquid.

I removed the lid and poured it into the glass, turning to Toga I said "Izuku told me earlier the side effects of your quirk. This is fresh blood, drink as much as you need."

As she was gulping it down and taking more from the container, I turned towards Izuku and said "Now let's take a look at your injury". Me and Izuku went to the operation table, while Toga followed us while drinking blood.

After a quick lookover I looked at Izuku and said "To be honest, there are very few people in the world that would be able to do what you did, and still wondering how you did it yourself, but I guess you can just tell me later".

Before I could talk to his condition he interrupted me and said "If you really want I can show you. I did record it for if I would need to blackmail my parents.", I looked at him with a surprised look as I thought 'Not only is he an Uchiha, but he is a genius and strong'.

After I nodded he asked if I had access to the internet here, I bought a laptop, turned it on and gave it to him. He then went to his email and showed me two videos, both the bathroom and kitchen.

The kid had already impressed me a lot, but seeing it just made me more sure about my decision. I then looked at him and saw that he was comforting Toga, she just saw her savior dismembering himself. I didn't want to stop him, so I just kept talking to him.

"Izuku I have 3 things I want to ask you", he looked at me and nodded at me to continue while comforting Toga. "I don't know if you know it, but you do know they can trace an email account?"

He responded with "I used the neighbors Wi-Fi, to plant a malware into their computers. The malware allows me to seize control of their operative system, I then used their computer and with multiple proxies and made this email. I then used my main email and sent everything over. After that I deleted all my online presence, main mail included, and after used a program to override all deleted data with blank data."

I looked at him with wide eyes and thought 'How smart is this kid? If I would take a guess, I would think that he is on a high school level, if not on college level'.

Toga seemed to have calmed down, so I took this as my opportunity and said "3th question can wait for later, but the 2nd question is about your wound. You need a small operation, we also need to remove some of the burned skin, so that you can have a fast and full recovery"

He looked at me confused while saying "We?", gaining a smirk I said to him "Yeah I can heal your wounds, I have a vast amount of knowledge and resources. If you trust me we can deal with it right now, it shouldn't take more than 10 or 20 minutes", as he heard this he just nodded and I started the preparation.

~10 minutes later~

After removing burned and ruined flesh, and fixing his blood vessels, nerves and muscle. I now were attaching a skin graft onto his arm stump, and then used 'Mystical Palm' to close up the wound.

With the operation, I proceeded to clean the equipment in awkward silence. Izuku then broke the silence by saying thank you.

As I placed the equipment back into the shelfs I turned back to Izuku and said "The 3rd question I have is, would you want to come back with me?"

Izuku looked at me and asked "why?". I then looked at him with a smirk and said "Those eyes you have are called 'Sharingan', or to be more correct you have the 'Mangekyou Sharingan', I can teach you how to use them."

He looked at me like he was trying to find answers to all his problems, then he asked in a curious tone "how strong can I become?".

I looked at him and with a straight face I said "If cultivated correctly you could become a god, and I mean that on a biological level. With that power you could either rain death and destruction on everyone, or bring peace and tranquility to the world".

Izuku followed up with a question "Can Toga join? And can she also gain that power?", as I looked at her she said "I wanna join, I want to stay by Izuku's side no matter".

With that I looked back at Izuku and said "Yes she can join, and no she can't get that power, but I may teach her other things".

While Izuku and Toga went to pack their things, I turned around and packed a few scrolls and Important things that we would need. After reactivating the 'genjutsu' traps outside, and putting a stronger seal on the door I came back to them.

I then placed a 'technique formula' on the main room before turning to them, I told them to hold my cape and as they did we arrived in a whole new room. This suddenness made them fall backwards which made me laugh a bit.

(Izuku POV)

After standing up I went to the window to see that we were beside the ocean, this bewildered me since we were in the middle of the forest a moment ago. Once I looked at Orochimaru the only thing he said was "I teleported us" and I just accepted it.

Posted 8. January 2021
1529 words

~Author note~I plan on giving Izuku all five basic chakra nature "earth, water, fire, wind and lightning", as well as the kekkei genkai for Wood release and Magnet release, I don't think I've ever hear someone write about Magnet release so this is gonna be fun. While Toga will get access to Water and Wind chakra natures, as well as the kekkei genkai for Ice release.

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