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"This will never be a place to..."

"Why? Is a house, not your home?"

"A house can be a qualified home, but the contents of people and personalities under the roof is what defines a home Lawrence."

"Don't you mean family Jazzie? You're talking about people who live together to make a home. So, a family?"

"Not what I was saying. Blood isn't always thicker than water. Its hard to believe that your own blood can turn on you, but sometimes you make you own family. Different misfits and outcast whos blood have turned on them. Those people will collectively find eachother in the right time. They will struggle to be friends with everyone, often being rejected by social constructs. Thats is untile they find themselves with their family they so desperately have waited for."

"So a collection of people who don't fit in and who's parents have been cruel too? Thats family is what your saying?"

"Oh Lawrence, if you weren't there for the beginning of my lively hood, then I can't tell you whats being said. I can try to show you, but unless its experienced, you won't know."

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