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I'm awoken to the sound of screeching metal. I sit up quickly and I'm met with total darkness. My clothes and my hair are soaking wet but that is the least of my concern right now.. I feel my breathing increase as I stand up trying to figure out where I am or...who I am. I look up to see the top of of whatever I'm in. This is thing is moving to the stop fast. I scream out "HELLO" like anyone could hear me.. I look over and see something with the label "WCKD" Then I hear the metal box come to do an abrupt stop causing me to fall back. The lid opens. I am blinded by the brightness of the sun. I put my arm up to shield my eyes. I hear a bunch of chatter going on above me barley being able to make out the words being said. I hear a feel things like
"A girl?"
"Is she cute?"
"I call dibs"
My vision becomes a little clearer and I look up to see a tall lanky blonde boy standing above me with a very serious look in his face. He fusses at the boys standing behind "Can you shanks just bloody stop?!" He steps forward And looks down to me and he reaches out a hand to help me out the box. I wearily take his hand and climb my way out of the box. He finally breaks the silence once I'm up and on my feet by saying "Hi I'm Newt, what's your name Greenie?" Then I remember..I don't know who I am, I don't even know my own name. I say "I I don't know who I am...where am I?!" I almost shout.
"Whoa whoa it's okay greenie, your name will come back to you soon and for now....."
Another tall dark skinned man walks up interrupting and offers his hand I shake it and he says "hi I'm Alby. I'm in charge around here. We call this the glade."
The glade huh?
"Where's the other girls?" I say nervously
"There are none..you're the only one." Alby says
Great.. for a few seconds I try take in my surroundings, it's mostly just a bunch of grass, huts and other things. Then I turn to my right to see a big stone wall with an opening in the middle. Alby must have noticed me staring because he said "Don't worry about that right now. We will get to that, first let me take you on a tour." He starts walking the opposite way of the stone. I follow quickly behind

A few hours later Alby announces to me that we are done with the tour. It was actually kinda cool, he showed me the garden, dead heads and where we sleep and told me all about the jobs. I hear a bell sounding assuming that means it is time for dinner considering I see a bunch of boys running towards the dinning hall. I make my way over and I'm greeted by the tall blonde boy named Newt. "Hey greenie, how was the tour?" He says cheerfully
"It was fine. And why do you call me greenie?" I ask annoyed
"It's what we call all the newbies, there's one new person a month so until the next new person comes up, you are the greenie." He chuckles
I roll my eyes and we walk through the entrance of the dining hall. I follow Newt through the line for some reason I feel comfortable around him...the other boys excluding Alby make me a little nervous. I meet a nice boy named Frypan who I assumed is the cook. He welcomes me with a warm smile and a "hey greenie" I smile and go sit down with Newt. I zoned out for most of the meal time I couldn't help but try to think about who I was or why I was here. Why are any of us were here and what is behind those walls? I wanted to know and I wanted to find out soon. Newt nudges my shoulder and reminds me of the bonfire tonight apparently they have those every month when a new "greenie" comes up. I smile and thank him for the reminder.
A boy with short hair and bold eyebrows walks up behind my table and says "hey greenie. At every bonfire we have a few fighting matches, I would be honored if you came to cheer me on"
Before I could even respond Newt says "oh shuck off Gally Don't make the greenie lose her appetite." I giggle at his remark but Gally didn't seem too happy about that because he huffed and stormed off. Newt turned to me saying "don't worry about him, he has a big ego and kinda comes off as a jerk sometimes. I decide just to brush it off and go freshen up as much as possible for the bonfire tonight. As I'm walking I hear a loud noise, similar to the screeching sound I heard in the box. But I look around frantically trying to figure out what it was when I turn to the stone to see the doors on it closing. Soon there is no opening and it is now one. I figured I would ask Newt about that later tonight at the bonfire.

Once I arrive to the bonfire I walk by a few boys awkwardly trying to scope out Newt. I finally spot him and he raises his hand waves and calls me over. I walk over and greet him and he says "hey greenie" with an adorable smile on his face. I say "you can stop calling me greenie now... my name is Y/N" with a small smile.
His face lights up and he says "well it is nice to formally meet you Y/N. Now let's get on shall we? This night is suppose to be all about you." We go sit down together on a log, he grabs a jar full of liquid and hands it it to me. He encourages me to take a sip I do and spit it out immediately. "What is that?!" I ask alarmed. Newt seemed to find that humorous and said "None of us really know. It's Gally's secret recipe" I roll my eyes
I can't put my finger on it but Newt seems so familiar. I figure it was a good time as any to ask about the wall.. So I ask "what is that....wall thing?" He looked around and then looked back at me. He said "that is what we call The Maze. It opens every morning and closes every night before sundown. Those screaming sounds you hear, we call those grievers." I nodded in response as you could hear them in the background. He followed up with "we have a set of runners that run The Maze every day trying to find a way out because it changes everyday." I open my mouth to ask a question and he quickly cuts me off. "I think that's enough questions for tonight, love. You have had a big day. You need rest for tomorrow cause you will start your trials of which job you wanna do." I smile and tell him goodnight. He gives me butterflies, which might be ridiculous considering I just met him...but he feels so familiar to me..like I knew him before all of this or something...
I head to my hammock. Alby said earlier today that I will have my own hut considering I'm the only girl and he doesn't want me to be bothered by the boys.
For now I have a hammock placed next to a nice younger boy, named Chuck.
I try to drift off into sleep.

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