Chapter- 41

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Lauren Hart

It had been three days since that drama at Sean's parent's house. I had been staying with Sean since Ryan didn't want to detach himself from me. Sean, though he was enjoying spending time with Ryan and was looking forward to the day when the court officially announces him Ryan's father, he was worried.

Official notice from the court was already sent to Samantha, thankfully she didn't get to come near Ryan or she would have harmed him. But she did blow Sean's ears over phonecall. Since then I had been watching Sean losing himself in thoughts, even while having meals.

And when I confronted him about what had been bothering him, I was taken aback. Because I honestly could have never guessed that he wanted his parents to show their support by coming to the court. He wanted his parents to take part in one of the most important decisions he had ever made. I did not blame him; though his parents had always ignored him, he still needed them.

Now, one day was left for the trial, and I was about to do something stupidest I had ever done. The results may not be in my favor, but I had to do it. Sean could not voice it put to his parents, but I could do it; for him.

With sweaty palms, racing heart, and trembling legs, I stood at the entrance of Sean's parent's house. The most surprising thing about this was that Sean had no idea that I was here.
I lied to him by involving Christy; I told him I was going to spend the day with her as she needed some help. And only I knew how hard it was to convince him not to send bodyguards with me, but I succeeded.

I had involved grandma in my plan, basically to know the whereabouts of Sean's parents, Levi, and Samantha.

Exhaling a few times to muster up the courage, I went inside and was welcomed by grandma's motherly hug.

"I hope you know what you are doing, Lauren." Her voice was full of concern. "I don't want them to think wrong of you."

"I won't say much grandma. Just what's needed." I assured her with a forceful yet cheering smile.

"Well, then, I wish you succeed in doing what no one has ever able to do." She smiled and led me to a waiting room which was specially designed for Mr. Peterson's guests. Grandma accompanied me till Mr. and Mrs. Peterson arrived and when they did, she left the room.

The aura of the room changed from warm and gentle to formal when the well-dressed couple stood before me in a stiff posture. I gulped when they made their way towards the sofa I had been sitting with grandma before they arrived. Their pointed eyes scanned my slightly trembling body. I was on the verge of dying. Well, I would be if the meeting failed.

Mr. Peterson's formal aura suited him. A to be Senator has to wear the rigidness, but he could show some warmness to comfort someone who almost lost her soul just by his look, right?

Mrs. Peterson, a gorgeous lady wore a gentle smile but I could not fathom whether the smile was genuine or was a reminder of soon to be failing meeting.

"I hope whatever you have to say is worth the time we spared to talk to you from our packed schedule."

I visibly flinched at Mr. Peterson's rigid voice. I cleared my throat and mentally reminded myself that I had nothing to be scared of. I had been in the worst situations before.

Giving up my nervousness, I held my chin high and gave a polite smile. "Yes, sir, it's important."

"Well then, have a seat." He gestured me to sit but I waited for them to sit first, then only I sat on the single-seat sofa.

It was getting awkward. I decided to introduce myself first. "Uh, I am—" But I was cut off by Mrs. Peterson.

"We know who you are, Miss Hart." Unlike Mr. Peterson, her voice had a tone of gentleness. "Mother has already enlightened us about you and Sean and I do remember seeing you at the party."

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