"You don't always have to protect me you know. I can handle things myself." Severus said, his voice was cool and irritated.

I looked at him in shock for a moment, then shrugged, "Guess we start number 3." I whispered to myself then said louder, "I don't do it because I don't think you can handle it, I do it because you're a great man and I'm not going to let anyone talk bad about you."

"Let them talk, like I care. I don't need her approval to be who I am. I don't need anyone." Severus said harshly. We stopped running.

Though I was prepared for something like this to happen, I never knew how much it would actually hurt. I felt my eyes water up and quickly masked my emotions, "What about me?"

"I DON'T NEED ANYONE. Leave me alone Amy." Severus said and walked away. I watched him until he was out of sight and still watched the spot he vanished from. I was completely confused. I knew Severus had been more distant lately, but I never expected that.

After a few minutes I transformed into a wolf and ran off into the woods. I was unsure how long I ran, I stayed deep in the woods where the sun was blocked by the trees. I didn't know how to handle this feeling of pain. Physical pain I could take, emotional pain, not so well. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and then rested and ran back the way I came. Once back at Hogwarts, I stayed in wolf form and ran to Professor McGonagalls room. She was in the middle of class, however when she saw me, she stopped her lecture and walked over to me.

"Where have you been?" She demanded. I rubbed my head against her hand and wimpered. She turned to her first year Hufflepuffs. "Class dismissed for the day."

Once a very confused class left, she locked her classroom and walked to her office, I followed. As soon as she shut the door I transformed back. I could feel the tears rolling down my face. "How do I get them to stop?"

Professor McGonagall looked at me sadly and pulled me into a hug. "They will stop on their own. What happened?"

"Severus broke up with me." I sobbed on her shoulder.


"Said he didn't need me, or anyone."

Professor McGonagall held me close. I finally stopped crying and we sat their drinking tea in silence. Not long after the bell ending classes for the day rang, Professor McGonagalls office door flew open and the Marauders, Chris, Sherry and Jessie walked in.

"Shadow!" James and Sirius yelled and ran over to me. As soon as they got b to me they stopped, "What happened?"

"Severus." I said and walked out. I went to Houses United and noticed Severus, Lily, Frank and Alice were sitting around studying. I ignored them all and went to my bed. Lily yelled after me.


"Not now Lily." I heard a very angry James say.

"Snape! How could you!" Sirius growled.

I heard a loud bang and walked out. "Leave him be."

The Marauders looked at me. "He hurt you." James stated a scowl on his face.

"Unimaginably so, but you heard me. That's his choice, he has that right." I stated calmly.

Remus walked over to me and pulled me in a hug. "At least come to our room and rest. To many memories in here."

I nodded and we walked out, leaving a very hurt Severus behind. I could see the pain in his eyes. This confused me, why did he break up with me if he wanted me. Severus called out and stopped James before we made it to the end of the hall. James looked at me and I nodded, letting him know it was fine and continued my way to Gryffindor Tower with the others. Once in the boys room, I laid down on James bed and went to sleep. I woke, feeling a body next to me, but not cuddled to me. I took a deep breath. I had to be strong. I know the future, Severus and I make it through this. I kept reminding myself this. James woke when I got up. I told him I was going to shower then train until time for class.

Severus's Love, Harry's ProtectorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora