Med student's guide to note making and studying!

Start from the beginning

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These are images of some of my own notes, so you believe I do what I am telling you

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These are images of some of my own notes, so you believe I do what I am telling you.

5. Never ditch reading textbooks. There are some students who think I can copy somebody's else notes and study from that only. There is a reason books exist. Highlight important things while reading. Bookmark important topics that you think need special attention. Use post-it to write concise things. You can attach it in your book or your notes.

6. Keep your phone aside while studying. If you use your phone for studying, you have develop the habit of not opening the notifications everytime they pop on your screen. One way is to use DND feature if available in your phone or you can turn off the notifications before you start studying and then turning them back on. I have been using the productivity app called as forest. It also let you do group session together.

 It also let you do group session together

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7. Give yourself tasks and to-do lists.

I am into Bullet Journaling, something I have started few months back and it has helped me quite a lot, not only in terms of studying but also for my daily exercise, skincare and stuff.

I am into Bullet Journaling, something I have started few months back and it has helped me quite a lot, not only in terms of studying but also for my daily exercise, skincare and stuff

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Also, reward yourself everynight when you tick off everything. It helps in  motivating you for the next day. Maybe like 10 min of extra sleep or the choclate mug cake or 1 extra chapter to read on Wattpad.

8. In highschool, we have various stuff to cram  like dates, formulas etc. In MBBS, we have a whole lot of things to remember. I have done two things for memorising stuff-
  - I have my wall filled with random post it note which I revise everytime I look at that wall.
- I have this rough notebook thing in which I repeatedly scribble things again and again while saying them loudly so that it gets stored in my memory. Sometimes 4-5 pages gets filled with the same word until it is stored in my mind.

9. Keep looking at what kind of questions are asked in the examination. What had been previously asked, mark it in your notes. That way you know what is important.

10. Keep yourself motivating always. I like hand-lettering quotes and putting them on my wall to help my retain my postivity.

 I like hand-lettering quotes and putting them on my wall to help my retain my postivity

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Remember that.

11. Take breaks, practice your hobby, do a little physical exercise and eat healthy. It is good for your brain. You don't want to turn into a zombie.

I hope they help you out. I wanted to put the pictures so that you believe me and don't think I telling you just some stories. 

Just stay positive and work hard. Anything can be achieved if you work for it. These prime years will decide the next fifty years of your life, so be dedicated.

Just if anybody interested, I am an Indian and if there are any Indian students out here reading this and want advices, you can always PM me. Anybody can PM me, for tips and advices. I am happy to help.

By- subconscious_bitch

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