Chapter 55, First Step To Recovery

Start from the beginning

"Whatever", he muttered before gesturing for everyone else to walk.

The wind blew back my hair and I balled my fists in order to prevent any shrieks from escaping.

Once everyone else was gone, the only shadow left was Shisui's. He walked up to me with steady steps. The chill in the air was cold and impacting.

What Shisui said next made my stomach sink.

"I guess there is something you're hiding after all, even from me".

My head jerks up as I look back at him with my tearful eyes. My tongue was knotted in knots.


"Listen, now you can talk to me about what's doing this to you. I promise you I'll listen through it all. You don't have to tell me everything right away, but Itachi, if you keep sucking it up like this, it'll only exhaust you more. So why do this to yourself when we're all by your side?"

I fixate my gaze elsewhere, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"You're hurting those around you as well. Do you think it's easy for your own father to see you fall apart like this? When you were at the top as always?".

"And now that I'm a mess, no one wants anything to do with me", I reply in an unsteady voice.

"Not true", Shisui assured and walked up to me.

"Let's go Itachi, this is the first step to your recovery"


"Uh-ha, now come on follow me"


He was leading me somewhere I recognized, but I didn't give it much thought.

"So tell me", Shisui starts off as we walk side by side, "Are you still hung up on Hanabi's death?".

"You don't understand...", I say and slump my shoulders in an attempt to shrug it off.

"Then make me", Shisui proposes, making the two of us halt in our tracks.

I chin up to look at him directly in the eyes and my mouth divulges he next words on its own.

"The only reason I have the Mangekyō Sharingan is because of you, Shisui".

He remains silent and listens instead of questioning me like the rest.

"That day, when Danzo was targeting you, I'd actually thought you might be dead. Even though I dragged Hanabi along to help some point my mind believed that you're dead, that Danzo got to you and killed you. But my body kept moving, even though my mind had already established that you were dead".

His mouth falls agape a little as he listens to what I have to say.

"I didn't know what happened with me, but considering you are my best friend...and the idea of you dying and leaving me alone in was just too much. Nevertheless, my brain succeeded in tricking me into thinking that by the time we arrive, you'd be long gone".

The wind blew away at our faces, making the current situation even more intense.

"Itachi...", he whispered.

"My own mind betrayed me, and made me think that my best friend was dead and that by the time I arrive, I'd only be holding his cold corpse...but then I arrived, and saw you fighting for your life. The Mangekyō Sharingan doesn't only awaken when you witness someone dear to you die. It awakens when your mind has already been through enough".


He was at loss of words, which was understandable. The silence which followed was broken by him when he declared, "Before we end the night, you still have to take your first step in recovering".

"Recovering?", I repeated, my brows creasing.

He faintly grinned and motioned, "follow me"

Confused, I followed Shisui and remained silent. My mind attempted to guess what he had in mind, but without progress. It took me a moment to realize what he was actually planning to do.

We were at the base of the bridge, which leads up to the gazebo. Where Izumi was leaning against one of the pillars, waiting...

"Shisui-", I stared back at him in total shock, "you-".

Shisui simply furrowed his brows and said, "you are going to make this right".

I darted my eyes back at the far end of the bridge, where Izumi's eyes contacted with mine as Shisui said, "I'll be waiting here while you atone for what you've done".


"No excuses Itachi, apologize and do whatever is necessary, even she knows you wouldn't hurt her like that", he smirks and says, "you're more dear to us than you think, Itachi so don't you dare and think that we'll let you suffer on your own".

I stare at Shisui in awe. Why would he do this for me? I've proved time and again that I am way past to deal with, so why? My eyes dart back to Izumi, where she attempts to give me a small smile.


After all that I've done. Why would they think that I need another chance? It's been four years. I've been this mess for four goddamn years.

Is there still hope for me left?

Or maybe I've been wrong. Maybe when Hanabi died I forgot the most important lesson she'd taught me.

Shouldering the weight of your problems is better done when you have a trusted comrade.

If I don't abide by what I've learned from Hanabi, then her death might've just vain...

I sigh and give in. Maybe I lacked the courage, maybe I needed a little push.

"Understood", I sat in a steady voice and witness how Shisui's cheeks caved in, making his dimples pop.

And with that, I part with Shisui and tread towards the gazebo where my first step to recovery is.

I have to make it right, or I'll never be able to rise up on my feet again...


A/N:- Almost nothing was happening, so I'm sorry for the lack of action, but you've learned the sequence of how I do things haven't you? This was to let you in on Itachi's mind before I plan out what's next. I've got a pretty solid idea, so don't fret. As always, thank you, Red Butterfly is number one in #itachiuchiha again!!


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