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Two years later

Dressed in a shimmering black suit, he tried to calm his nerves again and again.  Today was a great day in his career.  Asia Drama Awards.
The biggest awards gala for actors.  The biggest screen stars appear at this event, including him, a young actor who, thanks to his last role in a film, is eligible for the Best Actor of the Year award.

-Remember not to take too long when giving a speech-his partner said

Hailed the Artist of the Year and the Best Album of the Year award.  Jackson Wang knew very well what and how to do when giving such speeches.

-I'm not gonna win-he laughed, sitting down in the place indicated to him

-Of course you will honey- he replied, taking his hand

-If I win, I will agree to the dog you wanted so much

-Finally!!  After two years!!

Jinyoung couldn't help but laugh at how cute it looked.  They have been together with the older one for three years.  Two as a marriage.  The ring on his finger reminds him at every turn.  It is true that the shell still takes pride of place in their living room.  The brunette is totally obsessed with her and nobody has the right to touch her.

Of course, their relationship went through a lot.  Lots of unpleasant and happy moments.  Mass of quarrels.  From the delectable ones to the big ones ending up with Jinyoung going out to the hyung's house.  The elders, however, never interfered with this.  They made them breathe and then talk.  They knew no one loved each other as much as these two.

At times like this, the younger was grateful to have it with him.  Now that he was stressed as hell all through the gala, it felt good to feel his hand on his thigh.  Wang knew how his boyfriend felt it all.  He felt like that a few months ago, and it was Park that was with him back then.  Therefore, when announcing the nominees for the award, he shook hands with the younger one.

-And the Best Actor of the Year award goes to Park Jinyoung for the role of Sungjea in "You" - congratulations the host and the brunette looks shocked

-I told you right?-Jackson asks, helping him get up and hugging him

Stressed, he enters the stage and refrains from shedding tears with all of himself.  He couldn't believe he had won.  Even holding the award was amazing for him.  Impossible.

-Wow seriously is my name-laughed-But I wasn't supposed to talk about it, right?  Thank you to everyone on the "You" team.  To the director, cameraman, the team that looked after my appearance.  A mate from the plan.  Thank you to Storn for taking care of me and sending me this script.  Thank you to my team.  Yugyeom for the mass of dance lessons so that I could play these scenes so well.  Bambam for always being there and taking these amazing pictures for me and for promoting the film.  My hyungs for giving a decent kick in the ass when I thought this was my end.  That I'm burning out.  Of course I couldn't get past my Darkiee.  Thank you for loving me as I am.  However, I would not be standing on this scene today if it were not for a certain brunet who has been making my life so wonderful for three years - he says looking at his husband and smiles under his breath seeing his 'Wanggea" and a sign to finish - Finally, I would like to say that please dont think long and if you have people who pull you out of the darkness, stick to them.  Is it some troubled Thai or a mass of hyung dough in you.  Or even an idiot wearing a baseball cap.  Hold on to these people as I hold on to mine.  Thank you-bows and then leaves the stage with the rest.

-A tissiues-Bambam threw at him

-I'm not crying, you idiot

-Yes, I forgot, your eyes are sweating.  Stupid me-he laughed

-Awww Jaebumbi-his husband hugged him

-Not my fault.  Just look at him - he pointed to the TV which was showing some commercials now - I mean it before

-Cool hyung, Parkie is here too-Gummie laughed while showing his friend's perfume advertisement.  All in all, everyone uses them now.

-You raised him really well, Jaebum

-We both did it to Youngjea, both of us-he says, bringing their hands together

-Mark is calling-shouts Bambam -Hyung? And? - he asks, giving the speaker

-Boy-hear crying

-Congratulations! - everyone says

-Thank you, and how young?

-Jinyoung won-says the youngest

-Shit, that's good.  I'll call you later

-Sure, bye!

-I'm going on drink soju, I promise-says Bambam, putting down the phone

-Take me too-says Yugyeom

-You know what?  Our role of parents is not over yet-brunet laughed

-You became grandparents but what's not?

-Damn-replied the oldest, sighing, but smiling under his breath

Their family recovered from the problems.  Everyone has a life.  Your plans, dreams, goals.  Your story to write.  However, one thing will never change.  They will always be together.  Together they came out of the dark and together they will stay in a wonderful glow.  Glow of family, love and goddamn happiness.

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