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Nine years have passed today. Nine years since Jeabum met his boyfriend. Nine years since he knew she wanted to be with him.

The beginning was not easy. Youngjea turned out to be a worthy fugitive. He was running from feelings for him. He pushed them out. To this day he apologized to him for it. The elder obviously didn't blame him. He knew what it was like to understand your orientation overnight. Sometimes it's hard to understand.

The beginning of their relationship was not that easy either. Jaebum had to divide his time between his job, his boyfriend, and his younger brother. Sometimes he still does not believe that he made his brother so much that he preferred to get lost hungry than to be with him. He spat in his face for it then. Today he was grateful because that situation brought the three of them closer together.

He was grateful that his parents gave him to the orphanage where he met Jinyoung. He was grateful that this kid trusted him enough to put his life in his hands. He was grateful they had moved to Seoul, that Jackson has now in his life. He was grateful that despite his busy life, everyone meets for lunch every Sunday. He was most grateful in his life that then he entered the cafe, all wet. Otherwise, he would not have met Youngje. He wouldn't be where he is. Among the most important people for them. In one of the French hotel gardens. Looking at the love of his life, he happily walks towards him.

- Take care of him as well as you have done so far, honey - says the old woman giving her grandson's hand to the brunet

-I'll be grandma- he says, smiling happily at her as he helps her approach Bambam who leads her to the chair.

Youngjea had no parents. He was brought up by his grandmother from an early age. Grandma, who never for a moment condemned him for choosing the love of his life, on the contrary, gave her heart to Jeabum and Jinyoung. She gave them a substitute for parental love.

-I have been writing and learning this speech for a few days now, but I still don't feel that these words reflect what I feel-Im said, taking his boyfriend's hands into his-I don't know what to thank you for first. For being with me? For you love me? I really don't know damn. All I know is that I am grateful to you for being with me every day. You take care of me, the house and everything else. Thank you for helping me raise Jinyoung, for being there when I doubted myself and didn't know what to do next. Thank you for bringing our crazy family together every week. Thank you for allowing me to come into your life then. I love you Im Youngjea. I love you for every little thing you have done in my life. I love every little thing about you and I really thank you that from today I can call you my husband, she says, wiping the boy's tears

-Im Jaebum, you moron, after all, I will be speaking my speech crying-he said, which made everyone laugh around

-I don't mind-he fasted an eye to him

-I remember that rainy day like it was yesterday. I remember when you drenched your way into the cafe and smeared the floor freshly washed by me. I remember then thinking, "What idiot does not wear an umbrella in this weather." I remember when you started hitting on me with those stupid lines. I remember how much I liked them despite everything. I remember you brought Jinyoung to me saying he was your brother. I remember your tears when problems started hitting the three of us. Thanks to you, we moved on. You took us to Seoul. It was you who motivated each of us to fight. You don't even know how much I love you just for that. You always tell us what to do. You lead us like a typical family head. I love that you are there for me. No matter what, you never leave. Thank you for that Jeabumbi-ends and then not only he has tears in his eyes, but practically everyone

Bambam who wanted to approach them and hug them for having a family in Korea thanks to them. Yugyeom, who enjoys the happiness of his hyungs. Jackson, who is glad to have such a lovely family, and Jinyoung was the one who enjoyed the most. Jinyoung, who tearfully walked over to his older brother giving him wedding rings. Jeabum, seeing his tears, stroked his head and hugged him quickly.

The couple put on their wedding rings and pressed their lips together as a sign. They joined in a kiss that said from today you belong to me forever. Nothing mattered to them now. Screaming and cheering friends or even their tears running down the cheek. Only that kiss mattered. One in a million in their lives

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