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Jinyoung has been standing in front of the coffee shop for a good five minutes, wondering whether to go inside and meet the boy. What if Kayee put him up? Or he doesn't like him and decides he didn't need to write? At most he will go to Youngjea and help him with the papers. Now or never. We only have one life. What will be it will be.

With this attitude he entered the place where a brunette stood behind the counter, who as soon as she noticed him smiled at him, which he himself did. Looking for an empty space, he noticed a boy in a black sweatshirt and a cap of the same color with a visor on his head, who was looking at the phone.

-Jinyoungi when you arrived- she said, which attracted the attention of not only the mentioned boy, but also the one in the cap

-Together with Youngjea and Jaebum three days ago

-Ah yeah,Choi is in the office


-Sit down and I will get you something

-I'm not alone today, nonna

-It's nothing- she smiled and went behind the clock

Park turned to see the boy wearing him smiling friendly. He was walking towards him and boy took off his cap, correcting his hair

- Wang gea-he shouted

- Park gea- he chuckled-You're weird Kayee

-At least you laughed

-Yes it's true-he sat down in front of the boy

-First ice broken

-Jini your favorite carrot cake and raspberry tea and for your companion I noticed that you often take them and Park's favorite tea - Sarah smiled giving us the previously mentioned treats

-But I haven't ordered anything yet-said Jackson, and the boy smiled in surprise

Sweet, he thought.

-It is at the expense of the company - she waved her hand at him - Youngjea made them himself in the morning so later you will be able to give him what delicious

-Thank you nonna

-You're welcome, someone has to take care of you because you've gotten tired lately - she smiled and walked away

The boy sent her away with a smile and looked at Kayee who was looking at Jinyoung to cookie to Sare. The younger one laughed and showed him to start eating what he did himself. They shared their time so well that they didn't even notice when Youngjea walked past them. Choi could not see the younger smile, so he took a picture of it and sent it to her boyfriend who smiled for the first time today. The architect's job is not easy, but Jaebum didn't complain. Thanks to this, he earned good money that he could spend on his partner and younger brother. He was also home often because he took his job with him. He also often came to the coffee shop and while Youngjea was doing some orders or other activities, he would sit and work. He tried to devote a lot of his time to them because he only had them and they were the most important to him.

During the conversation with Kayee, the boy sensed that someone was watching him and when he looked to the side he noticed a brunette who was looking at him and at Wang. More people were also starting to appear in the cafe, which made him not too comfortable, especially after the last one. Jinyoung tried to cover it up but unfortunately he showed something was wrong which surprised his companion who also noticed more people around. Then a thought occurred to him.

-Come, let's go for a walk- he stood up and gave the younger man a hand that he took

-What where?

-You will see

As they left, they noticed Youngje who waved at them. Wang came up and greeted him, and the owner laughed that it was good to finally get to know him and his nose is in fact safe and sound. Jinyoung took the keys from his hyung who said he wouldn't be waiting for him so he would open the door himself. Dear. He also wished them have fun and apologized to them because he got an important call from the company. The guys went to the exit where the boy who called Jackson was standing and he raised his head on his name and seeing his friend waved him. Parka was really surprised when the invited one declined, saying that he would call him tomorrow and went out to drag him with him. They were going towards the car they got into and joined the traffic.

-I didn't know you could drive

-I can and you?

-Jb told me to pass my license, so I can

-Hyung really thinks ahead

- Oh, very much- he muttered-where are we going.

-Some place, you'll see it will be fun, I promise

-All right

After some time, they actually ended up in a clearing in the middle of a forest. Nice and quiet place. Lovely. Jinyoung liked it right away. The boy got out of the car and started to spin around in the middle. His companion just smiled and congratulated himself for taking him here. It was worth it for that smile.

-Hey prima barelino sit down because you will feel dizzy

And in fact Park paid his feet and fell on the boy who could not support himself and him, so they both fell to the ground. The younger one was on it so that a few more centimeters more and their lips would touch. They met each other's eyes and when Jackson smiled, he regained consciousness and sat down next to him

-Are you OK? Does anything hurt you?

-Jinyoungi is okay, are you alright?

-Yes, I'm fine

- Good-he sat down

-This place is not earthly

-I think so too

-Look fireworks - he pointed to the sky immediately pulling out the phone and taking a picture - How beautiful

- You're right-Kayee replied, looking at Park noting anything else-Beautiful

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