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-I'm sorry for being late but I admit that I fell asleep and I was woken up by Jb saying that it was almost 1pm- he said, panting in front of the boy

-No problem Jinyoung, really-he smiled and he returned the gesture

- Are we staying here or going somewhere?

-What do you say for a walk?  I have to keep my legs apart

-Bright-smiles and follows the older one

The road passes by them in a strange atmosphere.  Both want to speak up but don't know how to start.  Even though it was the older one who asked the boy to come, he couldn't really put the words together into sentences that he would like to convey to the younger one.  Even when leaving the house he had everything in his head, so why?  Why is he acting like this?  Jinyoung, on the other hand, wondered what that might be about.  The boy knew that he reconciled with his boyfriend and they have been talking to each other since then.  Sometimes he will even say a few words to him.  It is true that before that action, they both did not have the opportunity to talk to each other to any degree.  Meet.

-So I asked you to meet me because I wanted to clarify a few issues-said Mark-Damn, I don't know where he started-laughed

-Wherever you want hyung or where it's convenient for you to star-Park replied smiling

- First of all, and this is the most important thing, I want to apologize for that situation at the game

-Oh no, is ok

-If it weren't for my stupid words to Jackson, that's all

-If it weren't for your words, I wouldn't have been with him- interrupted him.-In fact, honestly, I've never been even the slightest bit angry with you about it.  I took these words too much into my head, he replied, sitting down on the bench, which the older one did as well. My damaged psyche was influencing then and my brain was ill and I just told myself that you were right.  I kept telling myself how stupid I was going home and only Jackson explained to me that it was not true.  On the next day, when all emotions subsided I realized how stupid I was.  I'm really sorry you had an argument with him over this.  I never meant to argue with you.  Friends are important.

-I don't blame you for that.  It's my fault.  This whole argument-says Mark-I was jealous.  For Jackson and your relationship.  Don't wait to get me wrong.  He doesn't, and I've never felt anything but pure friendly affection for him.  Wang is like a brother to me-he says looking at him and he nods his head smiling

-I can easily understand-he laughed

-I was jealous that you have each other and I have no one.  I know totally selfish behavior

-You have to be selfish sometimes, right?  I'll tell you something that I didn't even tell Jackson.  When Jeabum met Youngje, it was somehow at a time when I was a full member of his family.  The two of us were always together.  Hyung was my superhero who took me out of the orphanage-he smiled at the memory- Suddenly, my superhero number one stopped having time for me because he was giving it to his boyfriend.  I was sad then, but I understood it.  My birthday finally came.  I was glad how stupid this day.  I had always spent him with hyung and I was convinced that this time it would be the same, but instead of spending the day with me, he made me spend the whole day with him and Youngjea.  We went to the Zoo and to the cinema.  They were still preoccupied with themselves not.  I mean, Jea asked me every now and then if I liked it and if I wanted something, but Boom was only interested in him.  After the movie we were supposed to go to the park at one point I turned sideways instead of going straight.  I did it on purpose.  Pissed off, I started walking some paths.  Suddenly being in an unknown area.  Shit as I was afraid then

-Certainly- said Mark

-I tried to find my way home, but the more I walked, the more I got lost.  Finally, a policeman grabbed me and, seeing my frightened expression, helped me.  He took me to the station and dialed Jeabum's number, which was on the register.  After twenty minutes the boy stormed into the room and screamed furiously how worried he was and how I could do something like that to him.  Then I yelled at him just as hard that he didn't care what I was doing since he has Youngjea now.  The policeman told us to go home and only there I noticed that Jea was sitting on the chair and when he noticed me he quickly got up and hugged me saying that he was terribly worried.  I realized that by trying to spite Jb I had hurt him.  I apologized and also said what I felt and he realized then that he had been neglecting our relationship recently.  Choi also apologized for breaking my brother from me.  Then we came up with the one-day rule for Jinyoung.

-One day for Jinyoung?-he asks him, and he laughed

-In fact, it still applies.  In one day I am with Jb all day and we do what we want and in two days I have the same day with Youngjea.  Thanks to this, I spent my desired time with hyung and got to know and get closer to Jea.  Now?  I cannot imagine my life without these two together.

-I guess I did what you did to Jeabum

-I think  yes, but I also did to you what Youngjea did to me.  I took a friend from you, so you couldn't see him too much, and as we both know Jackson, he probably didn't even notice it, just like Jeabum

-You're right here

-You do not have to apologize to me for it and calmly do not worry about that situation-he smiled-Just when was the last time you met Sseunah?

- I think that day we made up.  We haven't had much time lately.  You know yourself that your boyfriend does not leave the studio practically - he says and he nods his consent - And I also open my own gym and I didn't have much time

-Oooo! You opened the gym-he asks and he nods-Can I count on a carnival?

-You want to train? - he wonders

-I have to, the actor's body must remain the same as it is now, otherwise the threads of further roles-he sighed

-I just watched your drama, it's mega.  You are good at this

-Thank you hyung-nods.

-No what-he smiles-Come to me in your free time and I'll set you up a customer card

-Super-replied-but returning it, maybe we will go out somewhere on the weekend, the three of us?  There has never been such an opportunity and I would like to do something like that

-I will ask my girlfriend if she would come out with us, but knowing how much she loves your drame, I say that she probably will

-Oooo, I will probably meet her willingly, he replied happily-Hmm, if everything has been explained, do you want to meet Youngjea?  I mean, you know him because you come to the cafe there, but it's not true of him personally as my brother?  And so?

-I'd love to meet him,-he admitted

-So Idol Cafe direction-he laughed, getting up and walking away with the older one.

Mark was really grateful the younger forgave him for it all and he really understood how stupid he was thinking about him all this.  The boy turned out to be quite different.  He wanted to get to know him more and was not surprised by how obsessed with him Wang was.  And Jinyoung?  He was glad to reconcile with his boyfriend's friend.  He knew how much he meant to him and Jackson's happiness was important to him.  However, the boy wanted to meet Mark for himself as well.  He really wanted to get in touch with him.

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