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Jinyoung's Day started like everyone else's for two weeks.  He got up in the morning and after getting ready he got dressed and went out for a run.  During this, he listened to his boyfriend's songs and thus tried to miss less, because as soon as his free time ran out, he returned to China for another month.  Of course, they talk to each other every day when they can, but it is not enough and Park, having nothing to do with himself, started training.  He joined Mark's gym and trains under his supervision every other day.  He also goes to all kinds of photo sessions.  He has also been offered a role in a new series but he has to lose a few pounds to get it and that's why he trains like that.  After running, he returned home, took a shower and went downstairs.

-Your breakfast according to those stupid guidelines you gave me a few days ago-Youngjea says, handing the younger man the meal

-I know that it does not suit you Hyung but I promise as soon as I lose weight, I will eat this delicious cake that you love to make me- he says smiling at him

-What do you want this role, you got other offers-asks Jeabum, looking up from the tablet

-Because this is the main role-he says

-Everything to everyone, but why throw those kilos immediately after all, you are already slim and damn well built

-They are better built-ends eating and puts the dishes away, then walks away from them

-Where are you going again?

-Today is Friday hyung so I have training with Yugyeom-he replies putting on his shoes

-And Kayee when is he calling?

-In the evening, I'm going, see you in the afternoon in the cafe-leaves the house taking the keys

-It's gonna end badly-Youngjea sighs as he starts washing the dish


-Okay Parkie for the last time today-says Yugyeom, while the other one is barely alive on the ground -You'll finish faster than we shoot this

-I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on with me lately

-I know-says the dancer-You are finishing up

-It works

-No Jinyoung, you are lying to yourself that you are doing it

-One last time?-He asks

-One last time-he replies, sighing and playing the music

They make the layout with precision and accuracy while having fun at the same time.  The most important moment is about to be when Jinyoung feels some kind of lightness and his eyes close.  The first thing you hear is the sound of falling and then Yugyeom who was trying to wake the boy up with fear and when it doesn't work he pulls out the phone and dials the emergency number.  After a short explanation, the man on the phone says that he is already sending an ambulance and that he should try to wake the boy up all the time.

-Park please wake you up now!-he says

The boy tried to wake him up all the time but it was for nothing.  At the sight of the ambulance, he felt a kind of feeling that his friend was in good hands.  After a while, the doctor said that they had to take him to the hospital for tests, but not to worry about anything yet.  Of course, as soon as the ambulance went towards the hospital, he got into the car without changing clothes and followed her immediately informing his friends about the condition of the younger one.  Jackson, who could not pick up having a meeting with people about the Korean promotional version, left only a voice message, knowing that he would immediately hear it when it came out.  Wang knew that his friends called him only in important cases and that is how they write messages on the group.  At the hospital, he learned that Park has already done research and that at the moment the doctor can safely say dehydration, but what shows the results later.  In less than 20 minutes he heard Hyung's voice in the corridor.

-What's with him?-He asks, throwing the jacket over a chair

-Generally, they don't want to tell me much because I'm not from the family, but they said something about dehydration

-Damn Jinyoung- he growled, angry at him and at himself for allowing it.  He knew the boy was exaggerating, but he didn't know that much.

-You're from Park Jinyoung- the doctor says, and everyone looks up at him, nodding them -You can come in, but there will be no contact with him today

-It means?  Youngjea asked, frightened

-The boy was on the verge of finishing, there is dehydration and terribly low weight

-Parke is losing weight for a role in the show

-So let him give it up because his health condition says enough and now the boy is sleeping

-Sleeping?-Bambam asks

-Exactly, his body was so exhausted that he just couldn't stand it and he fainted and now he's resting, gaining strength.  We give him an irrigation drip and you have to wait until he wakes up-sais the doctor

-What's next?

- Gaining weight and we'll see how the blood results come out, it would be nice if one person stayed with him so that I could provide the information

-Of course I'll stay-says Jeabum, and the doctor nods

-You can come into the room and I'm sorry, but I have more patients and as soon as the results come, I will provide the information immediately

-Thank you- says all four and he nods and walks away

-And I told you it won't end well?  I told you- Youngjea sighed

At the same time, Jackson just finished the meeting, glad to be back in Korea today.  He really enjoyed the news because he can come back a few days early and has a week off to spend with his boyfriend.  Returning to the studio, he immediately wanted to inform the boy about it, but seeing two missed calls from Gummi and also a voice message from him, he said that it was definitely something important, so he called back.

-Yugyeom something happened?

-Have you been listening to my voicemail?

-I didn't. I call you back immediately

-So shortly speaking Jinyoung fainted during our training and was taken by the ambulance and in the hospital it turned out that he was weakened and dehydrated and probably lost too much kilos, says and Jackson sits down to the news-Hyung are you?

-I am-he says, giving it to the speaker

-Parkie went overboard with this weight loss for the role and just overdid it with everything

-Is Jeabum next to you?-He asks when he buys a plane ticket

-Yes, I'm giving his to you


-I'll be at the airport at 6:00 PM- he says, getting up

-Youngjea will come for you-he replies- I have to be here to learn everything

-Sure hyung, any information please let me know

-Are you going to the airport?

-First to the hotel for my stuff, then to the airport

-Be careful, Wangie

-Of course hyung-he says-Don't worry, I'll be in Korea by now.

-I'm beginning to feel sorry for him. Youngjea has already replied that he will give him a decent fuck when he gets up

-Yeah?  Let him wait as soon as I get back

-We are waiting for you-he laughed

-I will be in a few hours-he says disconnecting-And I will not fly out so easily-he added only for himself, taking his things in his hands and leaving that studies in order to return home

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