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The ringing phone constantly prevents him from focusing on the film.  Today, for the first time in two weeks, he and his boyfriend are having a day off.  They both agreed that they don't want to go anywhere, so they lie down cuddled and watch movies or cartoons with loads of drinks and snacks.

-Just pick up-says the younger, stopping the movie

-It's probably Mark again-sighs and picks up the phone and seeing the name of the contact, he laughs-I didn't tell you-shows him

-Are you not talking to him?  How much longer are you gonna keep doing that, what

-I almost lost you because of him

-Not because of him, but because of my damaged psyche and also look at it if not for him I would not understand how much I love you Sseunah-he says looking at him

-So what?  You think I should just ignore it and forgive him

-See him.  Talk with him

-I only do it to have a moment of peace- he says, answering the phone

-Yeah translated this to yourself like that - says Jinyoung, softly under his breath, restarting the film

He had been standing in front of Hyung's cafe for a good few moments and wondered if he really wanted to sort it out.  On the one hand, he missed his childhood friend, and on the other hand, the last time made him understand that his friend had changed, and he totally did not like this change.  Jackson, however, knew that they finally had to clear up the situation.  So he went inside and immediately smelled the familiar smell of cinnamon coffee that Choi now sells so much.  He noticed him sitting in one of the window seats, so he slowly walked over there.  He sat down in front of him and took off his hat and jacket.

-Thanks for coming-the blonde said and Jackson just nodded at his words

-What to give-they heard the girl - O Wanggea and where is Parkgea?

-He went to the set

-I clearly heard that he was supposed to be off today, so what happened

-They have to try on his costume, it'll all be over in an hour

-Aaaa I understand, so what to give you

-I already ordered-replied Mark showing his cocoa

-You can do what you always do, but I need more caffeine

-Oppa will kill you if he finds out

-But you won't tell him right ?  - he asks and she just winks at him and walks away, which is laughing under his breath, nodding his head and turning to the side of his companions - What do you want to tell me so much that you call me every other day hmm?

-I will start with the fact that I do not know what happened to me.  I missed know.  I was acting like a self-righteous asshole

-It is true

-It was only when you got it from me that I understood what I was doing, but it was too late.  You stopped talking to me, you avoided me Jackson, and I wanted to apologize to you.  I was even in your apartment, but your neighbor told me that you don't live here anymore.  Have you moved to Jinyoung?

-Wow now you even remember his name huh?-He laughs

-I knew  all the time and twisted them on purpose

-Why?  What for? - Wang asks and at the same time Suzi gives his order and I thank her

- I guess I was jealous?  Not that you are together but that you have each other?  You have something that I don't have.

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