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The boy, after a conversation with an unknown boy, read all messages from his hyungs. Sad, he said that they were actually worried about him and felt a lot of remorse. He wrote to tell them to pick him up and he knew it would be up to 20 minutes. Jinyoung only had them.

From Jaebum they grew up together in an orphanage and as soon as the older one left and turned 21, he adapted him. He gave him a roof over his head, a sense of security and love for which the boy will be grateful for the rest of his life.

They met Youngjea in a cafe close to their home where the boy still works, thanks to which they often have a delicious coffee or cake. Over time, the boy became their friend and later Jaebum's boyfriend. They all live together now. They both take care of the younger one and watch over him at every turn. The boy looks at his hand from which blood is dripping and feels great remorse.

How could he be so reckless? What exactly was he trying to do? Disappear from their lives? Hurt them?

-Jinyoung - hears Jb scream who runs first to the roof. The boy wants to get up but he has no strength for it

-Here-he says, and the older one looks at the voice

-Young, what did you do - he asks, scared and tears his T-shirt and ties the wound with a piece

-I'm sorry hyung

-Shh, everything's gonna be fine, don't say anything


-Here - Choi appears immediately

-Mine boy - he says and helps him get up

-I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened to me, my god what I wanted to do

- Relax Jini, everything is fine now

They help him get to the car and drive home. Youngjea is sitting behind the wheel and from time to time he looks in the mirror at the younger one, who in tears, apologizes to Jaebum who hugs him and soothes him.

When they arrived, they all sat in the youngest's room. Jb started cleaning the wound and applying a bandage, and his partner wrapped the boy in the frame and hugged him himself, spitting in his face that he hadn't noticed anything before and didn't help the younger one. Im have the same feelings.

-I'm tired-says Jinyoung

-Then go to sleep

-I promised to write to him that I would write at home. He may be worried-he whispers, barely making contact

-I will write to him, well?

- Well, thank you hyung - He says and falls asleep cuddled up to Youngjea

-You think it's temporary?- asks the younger one

-I don't know, but we have to watch him every step of the way

-I'm worried about him

-You're not the only one, honey

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