Before I could even put my phone down to change my clothes, I felt it vibrate again;

  ‘I’ll be there in 10! '

  Giggling at that silly boy, I quickly changed into my everyday black skirt with a blue blouse and a blue and black polka dot scarf over my head. I didn’t really feel the need to put any make-up on. I was just meeting Seif after all. The little eyeliner left from yesterday would do just fine.

  Walking to the living area, I searched for my black cross bag. I cramped all my project notes in it and put my laptop inside as well since it fitted. I would much rather stuff this bag till it’s full than actually carry another bag for the laptop.

  After making sure I had everything with me, I grabbed my phone and Keys then opened the door to go out and that’s when I saw Sarah standing in front of her apartment.

  She looked weird; her hair was messy and needed washing, her eyes were buffed and had visible black circles under them, her lip was busted on the corner, even her clothes looked sloppy like she just threw them on without even looking.

  “Hey,” She said weakly curling her lip in a weird smile. It wasn’t her fake smile nor was it her sly smile, it was just a smile. A genuine smile that I haven’t seen on her face for years.

  “Hey,” I smiled back in a weak attempt to be nice. I felt like she needed it.

  We stood there for a minute just looking at each other not knowing what to say. The look she gave me made my stomach turn and twist.

  I tried giving her yet another smile before I walked down the stairs to go to the café. I felt her footsteps right behind me but I didn’t even make a move to acknowledge her.

  Remembering the incident I accidently witnessed on her balcony, I realized that she still might be in big trouble but I couldn’t get myself to talk to her or ask about what I heard.

  I wasn’t curious and I didn’t have a bad feeling about her, I just felt bad for her. She must be having a lot to deal with if she looks like that but my guilt wasn’t strong enough to try and help her.

  Nope, I learnt my lesson the hard way. She was nothing but trouble. I should stay away from her. She got herself in this situation she should figure out a way to get herself out. It wasn’t my problem.

  Getting to the doorway of the building, I started to pick up my pace as I noticed the 2o minutes were almost over and Seif must have been already there waiting for me.

  As I walked in the street, I still felt Sarah’s presence behind me still. It made me worried that she was following me till now. Did she want something from me? If so, why didn’t she stop me?

  Deciding to ignore her yet again, I turned around the corner and quickly walked inside the café like I didn’t even noticed her all the way here. Walking to the usual table Seif and I shared, I quickly turned to look at the glass door before I even acknowledged Seif there.

  My suspicious was confirmed when I noticed Sarah walking by the glass window and going on her way. Maybe she wasn’t following me, maybe she was just walking to her destination which happened to be passing by this café?

  “Is everything alright, Maggie?” Seif’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. I was stood there for almost five minutes just staring at the door like an idiot while ignoring Seif. That’s really embarrassing.

  “Yeah, sorry. How are you?” I asked taking my seat opposite to him and noticing my usual cup of tea in front of my seat, “Thanks for the tea.”

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now