Chapter Thirty-One - Internship Event

Start from the beginning

As I dressed, I tried to justify why I was not telling Harry the truth. Because it would only hurt and stress him now. If I waited, and told him later, then he would be more receptive to the truth. This is what I repeated over and over again until I got out of the taxi and stood outside the BP building again, for the second time today. The building I stood before had the same effect on me that it had this afternoon. At first, I could not find the courage to move. The wind was chilly, however, so I did not want to linger too long outside.

I showed the usher at the door my invitation and walked through security. I stood in a great tall room with the ceiling reaching up to the sky. I looked pasted the crowed of people and noticed at the opposte end of the great lobby was a hallway filled with elevators. I checked my coat in a side room a joined to the lobby, and then was directed to another room on the first floor. I moved along with other people who looked my age, all dressed nice and professional. They had stern faces, to show maturity, but their eyes gave them away. I saw the same gleam I often had in my eyes; excitement and awe. I could not believe I was here either.

The room the Event was being held in was just as grand as the lobby, tall ceiling, but tables lined the walls with information regarding BP and, what I assumed was, current employees who stood behind them. I made my way over and chatted with them as I took the information pamphlet from the table. I took the opportunity to also ask them questions about their work and they answered all my questions with ease.

"Your jobs sound amazing." I said to Elizabeth and Jasper, the two employees I had been talking with.

"It is a dream, to those who want it, it can be difficult as well at times though." Jasper said. He stood tall and confident beside Elizabeth, who had turned to welcome and assist someone who had walked up to the table. Jasper looked to be about 25 years of age. He had blond hair that was buzzed on the sides of his head, with the top just a tad bit longer. It sort of reminded me of a haircut that military personnel have. His face was clean shaven.

"I understand." I said after he spoke, "I discovered BP from one of my middle school teachers who had worked for the State Side part of the business. He made it sound amazing and ever since, BP has been my dream."

"Middle school? Seems like you are pretty serious. I am giving a tour for a small group of hopeful interns, would you like to join us?" I did not even have to think about the answer. I had said yes almost right after he had finished. Jasper smiled at me and then made his way around the table, telling Elizabeth he was off for his tour. She nodded, smiled at me, and then returned to assisting others who had walked up to the table. I followed Jasper to the corner of the room where the small group of 'hopeful interns' waited. I made my way into the group, greeting the others while I did so.

Jasper introduced himself and then explained to us the basic history of BP. Of course, I had read everything on Barns Patrick and his climb to success. BP had started 30 years ago and raised to popularity by the creative and attractive design of their aids and publicity. Barns Patrick was a smart man with a PH.D in Economics and Business. He understood what people wanted to hear and see. With that talent, used it by giving the people what they wanted, by advertising for others.

Jasper took us through many offices in which he explained to us the different functions of them all. My deep interest perked when we walked through the creative and development offices. I looked through the glass and pictured all those busy people I saw coming and going this afternoon in the room talking about the next big thing and how to make it happen. I couldn't help but wish I was one of them too.

The tour was over before it had even begun, what I saw made me only want to see more. Jasper escorted us back to the event room and then my little group dispersed. Jasper made his way over to me after he had concluded and asked me how I liked the tour. "I have no words." I said simply in awe. "Tonight has been a dream and I still can't believe that it is happening." Jasper smiled and then our attention was called to the podium of the room, where someone introduced Mr. Patrick to the audience.

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