Day 4- Waiting (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Aang...?" I asked. He knelt down. I widened my eyes. Is this kid crazy?

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. My jaw dropped to the floor. This is, like, the oldest Water Tribe tradition, and a Northern one, as well. But I didn't even care at this point.

I could only nod. He slowly put the ring on my finger and I blushed as he got up to hug me. "Aang, you do know this tradition is, like, 100 years old, right?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm 113, what can I say?" I giggled.

"It's also a Northern tradition." Aang groaned. "That's what I get for trusting Yue. Well, I've been meaning to give you a ring since I actually asked you, you know, the first time. Do you remember anything?" he asked.

My life flashed before my eyes. I saw everything; the headband, the painted lady, Piandao, Toph scamming people, Hama, the Invasion, Yon Rha, truth or dare, the fucking play, the day of the fucking comet, everything in the Southern Tribe, including getting struck, Toph's parents in Gaoling, Azula joining, everything that happened in the past few days, and me waking up today and acting like an idiot. I'm a dumbass!

"Aang!" I yelped, leaping into his arms. He hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist and supporting my weight easily.

"You remember?" he whispered into my hair. I nodded. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I love you," I muttered into his neck. Aang chuckled and pulled off to kiss me, which I happily accepted.

"Thank you..." I trailed. "I'm so sorry, love. I- I can't even-" He cut off my rambling with a peck on the lips. "It's not your fault. Yue actually didn't think this was gonna work, so I do have something else planned," he said.

"What?" I asked, hugging him again. "Come on, babe," he said, dragging me downstairs. I followed him, giggling, before we stopped at a girl. She looks so familiar....

"Jin, hey!" Aang said. Oh, yeah. Zuko's one-night date girl. Lol.

"Hey, guys! You got your memory back?" she asked. I nodded and hugged her a little. I feel like an idiot, but I'm still doing it.

She squeezed me back before telling us bye. Aang helped me up onto Appa, and we flew back to the Fire Nation.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I squeezed into Aang's arm. "A cave," he said. I giggled. Best boyfriend in the fucking world.


"Sokka!" I leaped onto my brother, engulfing him in the tightest hug ever. He returned it with just as much enthusiasm.

"Am I safe?" Azula whispered. I giggled, "Yeah, don't worry." Zuko joined the hug, then Toph, then Tylee, then Azula, then we moved it to the bed to join in with Mai and Suki. Aang just sat in the corner. I giggled.

"Thanks, everyone. I have the best friends in the fucking world," I muttered, pulling out of the death hug. "You got that damn right," Sokka said. I giggled. "You remember everything now?" Zuko asked. I nodded and hugged him one more time, and he pecked the top of my head, which made Aang almost kill him.

I pushed Aang back and pecked him on the lips, telling him to calm the hell down. "Well, that's a way to wake up," Toph muttered. "Ouch! Someone re-wrap the thing!" I giggled and grabbed some gauze and walked over to her.

"Ok, come on, meeting, guys," Zuko said, getting up and handing Mai a hair comb. Everyone groaned. "How the fuck are we supposed to get to a meeting? There's a hole right through the middle of my fucking palm, Suki and Mai have holes in their fucking legs, and Sugar Queen can't stand straight for the life of her," Toph said.

I glared at her but knew it was true. My head hurts so fucking badly, I can barely take the pounding. "We're gonna need to get Kat to a heal-"

Aang was cut off by the loudest banging at the door. "Open up, quick! He's behind us!"

I knew the voice was familiar, but my head was pounding and everything was a little foggy. Sokka opened the door, and two girls ran in, shutting it behind them and locking it with water, putting chairs in front of it and sitting on them.

"Girls? What the hell?" Sokka asked, backing up. "It's Psycho. He's gone mad! He's fucking tracking us!" one girl said. "Wait, El? Al? He's tracking you?" I asked.

"Mhm. Iroh told us about you getting, you know, kidnapped, in Gaoling, and we shot a boat for the Fire Nation, knowing you guys wouldn't stay there," Al said. I pulled them into a hug.

"Psycho told us something about not stopping until he gets you back," El said. Everyone gasped. "N-no..." I trailed, feeling arms wrap around my waist and smelling the scent of mint. I relaxed into his hands, on the brink of crying.

"Guys... Mai had an idea the other day," Zuko said. We all turned to look at him. "The Boiling Rock was the most secure prison in the Fire Nation, right?" We all nodded as Aang put me on his lap on the floor.

"So all we have to do it open it back up. I can send a few hundred guards or something, it'll all be good. Then we can send my father, Psycho, and that crazy lady who helped her kidnap you," he finished, pointing to Azula. The twins screamed.

"Aaah! What's she doing here?!" Al asked, taking an icicle stance. Tylee walked over and put their defences down, signing to them. "She changed, chillax." The girls slowly took caution and sat back down, their back to the door.

Suddenly, the door started pounding. "He's here!" Toph barked. She made a giant hole in the wall, on the other side, and everyone got through it. Sokka held Suki and Zuko held Mai. Once everyone got out, I secured Psycho's blood just until the girls got out and Toph closed the hole.

We all eventually got outside, and started running for miles. I collapsed after a few steps, and everyone but Aang kept on going.

"Sweetie!" he yelped, running back to catch me. I landed on my head, and that didn't help the constant pounding. Then I blacked out.


Hey everyone! I woke up at 5 today and decided to finish this, so good morning? How're you doing! This is actually good news, since she, like, got her memory back. So yay! So, how'd you like this chapter?

Random: whatever your lock screen wallpaper is it's really really pretty! I love it!

Have an awesome day! (1715 words)

Much love xx -Ema

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