I ate your dad's moms uncles brothers kid

Start from the beginning

"So what you're saying is when I spend the night at your house and I'm wearing a loose shirt and no bra you can see my boobs?" I ask horrified. "Oh my god, I want to die."

"Hey, I don't stare down you're shirt," he says. "I'm not a douche bag, why do you think I give you hoddies and crap to wear?"

"Because your a pervert and can't resist the urge to look at my perfectly average size boobs," I say. "But I respect the restraint."

"Restraint? I don't need to physically force myself not to check you out, not saying that I do or anything," he pauses. "Just ask your next stupid question."

Yeah, I know I'm hot.

"Hmm, I'm trying to think of one that won't make you triggered," I say. "Do you show pictures you take of me to Yamaguchi or your brother? Or just anyone in general?"

"Only the ones when you look stupid," he says. "Well, the ones where you look extra stupid, like when you're hanging off the bed like an idiot."

"So you admit that you take photos of me," I laugh. "I trick you because I am actually the best."

"Yeah and I put them in a folder labelled 'My girl'," he says. "And every photo I have of you is favourited."

"You're dumber than beetle who takes bath salts," I laugh. "Have you actually lost your mind? Wheres the salt? The scheme?"

"If you tell anyone they won't believe you," he laughs. "No matter how hard you try to convince them."

"Kei, why would you say that? I'm gonna go crazy now, please you gotta give me photo evidence. Everyone is gonna think I'm tripping balls," I say.

"Stop whining," he says. "It's annoying."

"That's I lie, I know you like it," I smile.

"I'll push you off this bench," he threatens. "Shut it."

"Did I lie though?" I ask. "Did I lie?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" he asks.

"Hmm..." I squint my eyes. "No, I think you would push me off but then catch me because you love me."

"I would never catch you," he says. "Then it wouldn't be funny."

"You think me cracking open my head is funny?" I ask.

Not gonna lie I feel like that would be hilarious.

"Yes, yes, I do," he snickers. "But my mom would be mad at me because I'm supposed to take care of you."

"Is that why you sat down on the bench with me?" I ask.

"Yeah, she said it's rude to leave a girl sitting alone," he rolls his eyes. "She probably heard that on one of her shows or whatever."

"Then I expect you to never ever leave me sitting alone," I say. "You promise, I will never sit alone?"

"No, because that's a stupid promise," he scoffs. "I can't always be sitting with you."

"Fine, then how about you will always come to sit beside me if you see me like a loner," I say. "Sounds good?"

"Whatever," he shakes his head. "I promise, happy?"

"Yup," I nod my head.

"Good, now give me my jacket," he holds out his hand.

"We could've had something special," I sigh pulling off his jacket to hand it to him. "Farewell Kei."

It feels as if he's taken an engagement ring away from me.

"We have to leave now," he says. "And I need my jacket, don't act so depressed.

Depression has been cured.

"Aren't you gonna follow behind me as I drag my feet?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder.

"No, I'm fine watching," he says. "Keep walking."

"You have to leave too, that doesn't make any..." I pause. "I hate you."

"Hey I didn't do anything," He laughs getting up to walk with me. "I was just admiring your volleyball uniform."

"I'll have you know I did not pick these shorts," I say. "Don't look."

"I really thought you'd wear makeup, but I guess you just don't care either," he says.

Really trying to change subjects here.

"I do care," I say. "But you're a hoe, so I couldn't."

"Such a good listener," he says.

"Is that a compliment?" I ask.

"No, it's an observation," he says.

"I'm gonna take it as a compliment," I say.

"Figured," he shrugs.

"What would you do if I were to slap your ass right now?" I ask.

"Anser all the questions the guys at school ask about you," he says. "What face you make, and the so-"

"Shut up," I shove him. "I won't do it, don't be a mouldy enchilada."

"Bye now," he says.

"I hope you wake up with someone's ass in your face," I say. "Y'know what, I'm gonna tell Tanak about that good Mexican place around here, and I'll give my rewards card. So have fun getting creative."

I love chicken.


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