Day 4- Waiting (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Roku. But if he tells me to go to Koh, I'm going," Aang said, crying. Why is he crying? This is all some sort of prank, I know it. We didn't win, Zuko and Azula and Mai and Tylee are still bad. Zuko... Zuko! 

"Hey, didn't you become nice and then ditch us?" I asked, turning to the Prince. Everyone groaned again as Aang glowed. 

"Why, why did her memory have to go to then? Why not just before the war ended?" Zuko asked. I looked at him furiously. 

"He redeemed himself, Kat," Sokka said. I gulped. "How...?" I asked, cautious of my surroundings. "He took you to see the man who kill your mom," Toph replied normally. 

"He did what?!"  I barked. Zuko jerked back like I was gonna kill him. Which, with my anger, I might. I turned back to see Aang, glowing. 

"Why is he glowing?" I asked. I remember the last time he glowed up, Azula killed him. "Are you... what's going on?!" I barked. 

"Hun, he's in the Spirit world, chill," Toph said. I relaxed a little. "Aw, even back then she worried about him when he was glowing," Suki said. 

"I don't know what your talking about, but last time I saw him glowing she-"  I pointed at Azula, "Killed him." Azula frowned. "Completely fair." 

"Chill, sweetie. He'll be back in a sec," Suki said. I gulped. I hope so. 


"Roku?" I asked. He appeared in front of me, a vision in red. "Hello, Aang," he said. I gulped. "Roku, Tara- I mean, Katara- she lost her memory, and I-" 

"Aang, bro, chill. I know who Tara is, thank you very much, I watch over your life. What do you want?" he asked. I gulped. 

"How the hell do I get her memory back? And how the hell did she even loose it, Roku? The door was locked, there were guards outside the room and  castle, and the blockade...." Roku placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Go talk to Yangchen if you want to know how she lost her memory. But be careful, you might start crying. And I do have to warn you, if you go into the Avatar State while your in the Spirit World, you might never get back in the Mortal World," he said. I widened my eyes. 

"I... Ok, I know how to control my glowing. Don't worry. I'm fine. Everything's fine. How do I find Yangchen?" I asked. Roku turned me to face a hallway. 

"Welcome to Avatar Headquarters, Aang. Keep going down that hallway until you find the door with her name on it," he said, smiling. I smiled back and told him bye as I walked away. 

I knocked on Yangchen's door. "Come in, Aang," she said. I walked in, and I found her watching a little hole thingy. 

"What is that?" I asked. She chuckled. "It's a hole to the Mortal World. I can watch what Kat's doing. I watch over her, anyways," she said. I walked over to her and looked down. Tara was accusing Azula of killing me, which she did. 

"Of course," Yangchen said, rolling her eyes and smiling. "What happened to her?" I asked. "Someone came in in the middle of the night and threw a chair at her head," she replied casually, rubbing something on my arrows. 

"What?" I asked, confused. How? "Yeah. Yue tried to stop them by shining in their eyes, but they were a waterbender and they easily blocked it out, opening the door," she said, rubbing more... stuff... on my head and arms. 

"I'm sorry, what? A waterbender did this?" I asked. She nodded again, bending down and rubbing the shit on my legs. 

"Come on, Aang. Just go talk to Yue if you want to know how. I just watch over and do everything in my power. But it was nightime, I had no power." 

I frowned. "Ok, thanks, I guess." I sadly walked out, then back in. "Does it have her name on it?" I asked. She nodded, still watching Tara. I walked out and into Yue's room. 

I knocked on the door. "Come in, Aang." I walked in and tapped on her shoulder. She was also watching a hole to the Mortal World. 

"Yue, how?" I asked. "How could you let this happen? She doesn't remember anything, she doesn't remember me!" I said. 

"Ok, chill, Aang. She's fine. Listen closely if you want to heal her memory," she said. I perked up and wiped a tear from my eye to see her better. 

I guess she was always watching over us and protecting us. But even the moon can't protect us from waterbending supporters. 


Hey y'all! So, how was this chapter? I know, I ended off the last one with a happy ending, but that was because I didn't know how long it would take me to get this one out, and didn't want to leave y'all hanging. Too bad, you're gonna be hanging on this. 

Random: Whatever your wearing right now, I really love it and think you totally rock that look! (yes, even if ur in ur pjs lol u still look hot as hell)

Have an amazing night's sleep and sweet dreams! (1373 words)

Much love xx -Ema

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