Chapter 2

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Welcome to Chapter 2 - I am keeping these part quite short as I normally have no idea what to say anyway - enjoy!!

As the name left my dad's lips I was confused at why this name was chosen, Stiles was already a nickname for him as his first name was already a mouthful to try and say. I was trying to think as to what it could relate to but was during a blank.

"Do you know why he was given the name Thomas and not kept as Stiles?" I enquired hoping for some clarity on the situation.

"According to the information we have it was due to him always having bright ideas so was given the nickname Thomas Edison so was know as Thomas or Tommy to his closest friends." Stiles's dad explained which surprised me that he knew the answer.

"How did you know this?" I asked the question we were all thinking.

"This is where I can take over the story for a little bit, just before Stiles sent the final message containing the details I received a call from him explaining what had happened and saying he was sorry that he has messed up." Stiles's dad began to explain,

" I knew that your dad had been Stiles's point of contact within the FBI so I called him to explain the strange call I had received. He explained that they received a similar message from the day before containing loads of information but couldn't reach him after this. I advised that I was coming down to where they were and we are getting him out but was advised about Stiles's wish that we waited one month before doing anything."

"What no one knew was with the information Stiles was providing to the FBI during his time undercover, he had also sent me a copy with all the details of who he was with and for me and Parrish to try and track down the families. Between the two of us we managed to track all but a few down and realised that the majority lived within about five miles of here, some had even moved here recently but could not give us a proper reason why."

"Once the month deadline was up, I headed to meet your dad and help bring Stiles home but as you heard we hit a small snag he was no longer there. While your dad searched the inner workings of the trials, I had an IT guy help me dig through the computers to try and find any information as to where they could be now. What we found was a chip was placed in the back of their necks as a tracker so if they ever escaped W.I.C.K.E.D could always find them, we also found videos of them losing their memories and how they were knocked out before the been placed in the trial." He paused at this as if the memories were coming back to him.

After taking a moment to regain himself he continued, "We managed to download the information and send it over to the FBI for them to try and trace the chip inside Stiles so we could find him and his group. We managed to locate them but something was wrong, the chip was showing his location as the middle of the desert and he was moving fast as though he was been chased."

"Hang on a moment, I thought you said that Stiles and his group had escaped from W.I.C.K.ED but were going to be betrayed but how?" Lydia asked which made me jump as I forgot they were there.

Before anyone could answer a small knock was heard at the door, Sheriff got up to answer it and went outside to speak to whoever had knocked. I knew I could use my wolf hearing to find out what was being said but I didn't want to risk it as my emotions were already making me want to, as Stiles would say, Wolf out.

Sheriff re-entered the room seeming a bit more anxious then before he left it, I held my breathe waiting for him to speak.

"They had to pause the surgery as he was losing to much blood, they had to pack the wound as best as they could and if he makes it through the night they will resume where they left it today. They have said we can go home and they would update us if there was any news but I advised them I had the feeling we would all be staying where we were." Sheriff explained as he tried to keep the tears that had formed at bay.

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't realise I was holding, he had made it through the first obstacle but now he had more to come. We were not out of danger yet but we were slowly getting there, Chris and Isaac got up and left saying they were going to go get everyone some food and drinks as it was going to be a long night.

I couldn't stand waiting for them to come back so we could continue the story so I left for some fresh air, as I got outside it dawned on me that I may never get my best friend, no my brother back the same way he was. I suddenly remembered I was meant to be helping Coach with Lacrosse training tomorrow but I can't leave him. I was trying to decide how to word the message without causing to many questions. I rewrote the message four times before I finally sent it,

Coach, can't help with training tomorrow. Stiles in hospital, not in a great way. Will keep you updated. Scott

Just as I was about to head back in my phone dinged to show I had a message, scratch that I had three messages. One was a reply from Coach, one from Deaton and another from a number I didn't recognise.

Coach's reply made me laugh as I never thought I would see this side to him, he wrote:

You focus on Stilinski – I need both of my boys back – Coach

Deaton's message was more straight forward as he was my boss and mentor for the supernatural side.

Spoke to Derek, he told me everything you know so far, I will drop by tomorrow. Stay strong he can survive anything thrown his way – Deaton

The third message was confusing to him, he didn't register the number as any he knew and the message was just as cryptic.

She is the last one ever!

Confused by the last message I headed back inside hoping it was a message sent in error, as I arrived back in the room I noticed that Chris and Isaac were back with supplies. Once we had all grabbed what we wanted we sat and waited for the story to continue and for Lydia's question to be answered.

She re asked again, "I thought you said that Stiles and his group had escaped from W.I.C.K.ED but were going to be betrayed, how?."

My dad decided to answer the question for us," Yes, they had escaped from W.I.C.K.E.D but before they escaped a member of the group was given back there memories who previously worked for them."

"Continuing from where I ended the story, we knew where they were but had no way of contacting them to send them to a safe location near by. During this time we also discovered that W.I.C.K.E.D had an enemy, who like us was trying to get Stiles and his group to safety before they were captures." The Sheriff continued.

"As night time arrived this brought fresh challenges for Stiles and his group. A storm had gathered above them just as they spotted a place to hide. As they ran towards the safety of the building lighting came raining down on them narrowly missing them as they ran. A few feet from the door a bolt hit the floor right near to Stiles and his friend who were sent flying. Stiles managed to return to his feet and pull his friend into the safety of the abandoned building."

"Wait a second, how do you know all of this information from a chip? You are sounding like you were there." I stated.

Before anyone could answer the door opened and there stood a gentleman around my dad's age, a young lady and a young man.

"You are right, they weren't there but we were. My name is Minho and this is Brenda and Jorge we are friends of Thomas." They stated from the doorway as though they were waiting for the right time to enter.

Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up shortly!!

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