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I was running.

Running away from someone.

In these really familiar hallways.

They were too familiar..

I didn't know who I was running from.

But I know that I had to run.

I knew this place well.

I just didn't remember the name of it.

Everywhere was black and purple colors.

I was wearing a purple cloak.

My hands were bloody.

Who was I running from?

     I opened my eyes breathing heavily. I was sweating. I looked around in the dark room. The only light was purple glow surrounding a person sitting on my bedside table.

I sat up and looked at the female with a purple cloak and pumpkin orange hair. Her eyes were covered by a mask but I could tell that she was staring right into my eyes. In her metallic-hand was a dagger that I recognize.

"Was it a flashback or a nightmare?" Her voice broke the silence.

"I don't know, maybe a flashback but it also seemed like a nightmare," I answered quietly.

She nodded and turned away hopping off of the table and looking outside from the window. We were in my 1.14 house in Sahara Street. A house that's base had been designed by me but the details were the work of my now-dead-sister, Quinn.

I peeked out of the window to see the moon. It was slowly setting and the sun would appear soon and end this night. It had been a couple of weeks since Oneus had entered the Downside-up and made everyone forget about The Council. Now The Admins has their own alliance that was lead by the three Prime Admins. Sherenidy had somehow gotten me as one of the Primes, but she decided to stay hidden by herself. The admins worked in The Main World and The Main HQ was our HQ.

Before Oneus had sent all of The Mains and The Leads to the void, we had casted a spell over The Main HQ so no one else can enter the important rooms. The Admins were sometimes confused about it but they couldn't mind it since there wasn't anything to do about it.

So, Oneus had sent all of The Mains and The Leads to the void, The Rookies had been just brainwashed like all of the other admins, Watchers and players. I had managed to escaped with Sherenidy since we were both admins and Watchers. Now we were hiding in Hermitcraft. I also have to play my role as the Prime admin but I'm again hiding my identity like I did as a Main.

"The sun will rise soon," Sherenidy's voice snapped me back to the reality from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I have a lot of things to do today," I sighed.

"Time passes differently in the void. There's no days, just pitch black emptiness everywhere," The orange haired Watcher whispered.

I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say. It hurt me so much to think that my siblings were stuck in the void and there was no way for us to release them from that prison.

"H-have you been there?" I asked carefully.

The female stayed quiet for a while before answering.

"No, I haven't. But I've seen people jump there in front my eyes," She whispered.

"Yeah... I've seen that too... I once even thought about it myself, back when I was in the Academy," I whispered looking out of the window.

"I thought that too, before the whole incident..."

I knew what she meant. I've heard her story about what Zenith made her do. I totally understand why she has thought about jumping into the void.

The silence continued for a while and I moved to the kitchen to make myself some tea. I opened the backdoor and stepped outside to enjoy the early morning weather. It was a little cold since the sun hadn't risen yet but I didn't mind the cold since my sweater was warming me up.

I took a sip from my teacup and started at the forest scene in front of me. I wondered if the other Hermits were already awake. I eyebowled Mumbo's and Iskall's houses and didn't see any lights on. I couldn't tell if they were awake or not. I moved my eyes back to the forest and enjoyed the peaceful scene. I could hear the birds singing, I really like birds. Then I noticed some flowers, they made me smile. I remembered how my mother had loved flowers. I really missed her, it had been many years since she had passed. I put my hand to my pocket and took out a picture. A picture of a young woman with dirty blonde hair and purple eyes with a baby boy in her arms.

"I wonder if you would be proud of me mother," I whispered and carefully put the picture back to my pocket.

I heard quiet footsteps behind me and turned to look at the orange haired Watcher, who was leaned against the door frame.

"ᓭ⍑ᒷリ, you should stay inside! Someone can pass by and see you if you're just standing there!" I mumbled and pushed the female inside the house closing the door behind me.

"Mmh," She hummed and walked to the kitchen to get some tea.

"Do you have an admin meeting today?" I heard her voice from the kitchen.

"No, but I can go to the HQ if you need something from there," I answered.

"Great, I need a report from the office," She said appearing from the kitchen in front of me. "I need a report from July 2016," She informed.

"July 2016? What happened then?" I asked since I hadn't been a Main then.

"We had a Watcher problem and that report has many names that might help us with hunting down Oneus," She answered taking a sip from her tea.

"Alright, I can go get that today," I nodded to her.

"Thank you," She said and then turned to look at the door. "You got a visitor, I'll go upstairs," She said before walking up the stairs.

I looked at the front door and heard a knock. I opened it to see Iskall standing outside.

"Hey dude! Got some time to hang out?" The Swede asked.

"Sure, should we go get Mumbo too?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go!"

Words: 1060

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