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[··--·· ··--·· ··--··]

The floor was cold, the whole room was cold. Eyes closed, she laid there. Didn't move, didn't breath, didn't even live. Everything was dark, only light was her glowing white body. The door was closed, it had always been. The room was soundless, nothing could break the silence. No one would come here, no one would find her.

Her colors had faded during the years. She was nothing else than white, lifeless body. That wasn't going to change, ever. She was stuck there forever, nothing was ever going to change that. It was the blind reality she lived in, had lived for years.

Questions, no answers. Who was she? No answer. Why was she here? No answer. What had happened to her? No answer. Who was the reason? No answer. Why? No answer. Who? No answer.

She would have already ran out of tears, if she had ever had tears. Why would she even have cried? She didn't know anything, there was no reason to cry.

Everything was fine, right?

She wasn't waiting for a savior, there was no reason for that. No one would come anyways. No one knew she was there. No one knew she even existed, did she even exist? Had she ever existed? Another question without an answer.

How useless...

No light, it was never going to make its way down here. The darkness had swallowed the whole room. There wasn't anything stopping it, anymore. There never was. Everything was useless.

Would someone hear if she shouted?

Probably not. She was so deep in the darkness. There wasn't anyone who would have heard her screaming. She was left alone in the darkness, forever. The same things repeated in her head. She knew that there was no way out of the emptiness, darkness. She was stuck forever, thoughts started running out, she kept going back to the same old things again and again.

There was no way out anyways...

[No one]

A dirty blonde ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Next to him was sitting a pumpkin orange haired female and behind them a blonde Lead Watcher. They were all tired after taking care of their siblings for hours. The blonde nurse in the other hand was still running around taking care of everything. A crimson haired Nether-born made her way towards the other three and stopped in front of them.

"This is a pure chaos!" The older Nether-born exclaimed and crashed on the floor.

"Sadly this isn't even the worst possible chaos," The younger pumpkin haired Nether-born sighed.

"Around half of The Council members are still fighting Zanax," The dirty blonde grinned.

"That's woman is nothing else than a bitch!" The pumpkin haired female groaned.

"After living with her a couple of weeks, I can totally agree," The dirty blonde sighed running a hand through his hair.

"She seems to be kinda powerful," The blonde Watcher jumped in to the conversation.

"She is," The pumpkin haired female nodded. "But she has her weaknesses too," She continued.

"This is just the beginning, isn't this?" The dirty blonde asked from the female, she nodded.

"Yes, this is just a beginning of the hell we'll push ourselves into," She agreed.

"What do you think Oneus is going to do next?" Meadow tilted her head making her crimson hair fall on her face.

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