
Me, Iskall and Mumbo had been working on our project Sahara for hours together. The project was going really well and I really enjoyed it. I looked at Mumbo and Iskall, who were working on the redstone while I was partying with my parrot-friends.

"Grian! Come help us!" Iskall shouted to me.

"Nah, I think that I'm good," I laughed.

"Come on dude!" The Swede shouted.

I just laughed and heard my communicator buzz. I opened it knowing who had sent the message.


Can you go to the HQ? (14.25)
I don't have anything to do! (14.25)

(14.25) Right, right!

I looked up from my communicator and called my friends.

"Sorry guys, something came up. I'll have to go to The Main World to see my friend," I lied.

"Alright! See ya G!" Mumbo waved as I logged off.

I opened my eyes and saw the portal hub. It looked still the same but the consoles were no longer working since no one knew how they worked. I sighed and walked behind the HQ.

I changed to my Prime Admin clothes. A white cloak with a hood and a white bandana that I his my eyes with since I couldn't use my Watcher mask. My wings and halo weren't visible since they were a Watcher thing too. My clothes were perfectly hidden under the white cloak, which was really similar to The Council's cloaks, expect it didn't have the feature to fit in every possible temperature.

I walked to the HQ's main entrance and looked around. The medical center was still working same as the meeting room, but the library was locked. I peeked into the medical center, it didn't feel the same without Haylie. I decided to head to the second floor. The doors were no longer guarded and they were left wide-open. I walked in to see many people in the hallway. I looked at the wall and saw all of The Mains' rooms' doors, they were all locked. On the left side there was the office, which was locked. The living room and kitchen on the right side were still open. Most of the rooms were locked but not all of them.

I eyebowled the office's door wondering how I was going to enter the room without anyone noticing it. I couldn't just walk in, but most of the people knew that the door was supposed to be locked from everyone. I decided to continue walking and come back later.

On the left side of the building were mostly empty rooms, which had now been taken by the Admins. But the right side of the building had the old rooms, which were locked. I decided to go to the old side.

I walked through the hallway and saw many admins just hanging out. That was really strange and felt uncomfortable since this building had been my home where I could be safe from all the glares and other people. I passed many doors with different signs, I recognized all of them.

"How are we going to get in?"

I stopped as I heard a voice from behind the corner.

"Can we break the door?" Another voice asked.

"What are you two doing?" Said a voice that I recognized that was Hypixel, the admin of Hypixel, a Demis Admin. (2nd tier)

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