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     There she was, standing in front of me. The female, lost soul. She was all white and had long hair. I couldn't make out her eye or hair color, or more likely what they had once been.

"Who are you?" I asked standing up from the bed.

I noted that the female was around my height, maybe a little shorter. She looked straight into my eyes. There was something too familiar about her, I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Who am I?" She repeated tilting her head.

"Yeah, who are you?" I asked carefully.

"I don't know.." She whispered. "But I think that they call me by name 'Peniel'" She continued.

"They? Who are 'they'?" I asked tilting my head.

"I don't know. Angels, maybe? First I thought they were Watchers, but I know that they aren't," She shrugged.

"Is Peniel your birth name?" I asked.

"No, it's not. I can't remember my birth name," Peniel shook her head.

"Sorry for asking, but are you a lost soul?" I asked carefully.

I could see how her eyes turned emotionless. She stared at me without saying anything for a while.

"Yes, I am. I died and now I'm like this," Peniel spoke out coldly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered feeling bad for her.

"I know..," Her voice wasn't louder than I whisper, but the words that came out of her mouth made me froze.

I raised my glare from the floor and looked into her eyes. Those words felt wrong. I had been expecting something like 'It's not your fault' or 'it's alright...', but not that. That really made me scared. I felt like I was the reason why she was like that...

"Did I have something to do with it..?" I asked quietly.

Her emotionless eyes pierced my soul. I felt like the time started slowing down. She just started into my eyes until she finally opened her mouth.

"Yes..," She whispered.

I froze. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I just stared into her emotionless, white eyes. I tried to say something, but the words were stuck in my throat.

"Grian is the reason, that's what I know..," She whispered quietly.

"W-what did I d-do..?" I managed to say.

"I can't remember," Peniel shook her head. "But I know that you're the reason..." She continued quietly.

"D-do you hate me..? Are you angry.?" Questions feel from my mouth.

"No.. I know that you didn't mean to.." She shook her head again, but her lips were a straight line. I couldn't tell how she was feeling.

"This is all just too confusing for me," I sighed sitting back on my bed.

"I know... For me it's too..." Peniel nodded slightly. "I can't remember anything. I have too many questions, but no answers. I only remember that you, Grian Xelqua Charles, are the reason why I am like this.," She continued.

"What do you want from me exactly?" I asked raising my glare to look into her eyes again.

"I just want to be set free from this world.. Like I should have been already long time ago.." Peniel answered quietly.

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