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     I was horrified as I looked into Yenny's eyes. We both knew that the voice had been the female's. Chet and Meadow looked horrified too, but they didn't know about the female.

"What the hell was that?!" Chet exclaimed.

"That's exactly what we wanted to talk about in this meeting," My voice wasn't louder than a whisper, but I knew everyone could hear it clearly.

The door was opened and the chaotic trio that included; Meluwyn Mao Moonfall, Sherenidy Cassia Blackwood and Ulvoqirax Upton Vixen, entered the room.

"What's with this atmosphere?" Sherenidy asked curiously.

"We heard a terrifying voice," Chet spoke out. "Apparently  ̇/ᒷꖎ and ||ᒷリ are going to tell more about it soon," He continued.

The trio turned serious and nodded. They came back to their seats. Mao looked at the clock and sighed, "Where is everyone else? The meeting is starting soon!" He exclaimed.

Sherenidy raised her glare and counted us, "There's six of us and there's supposed to be around twenty-seven, no, twenty-six since ⊣𝙹↸╎ is unconscious," She spoke out.

"No, there's twenty-eight of us, without ⊣𝙹↸╎ there's twenty-seven," Mao fixed.

"Shit! Well, I'm not the owner of The Council's one and only braincell!" Sherenidy exclaimed.

"That's true, The Council's only braincell is ᓵ⍑ᒷℸ ̣'s," Mao mentioned.

"The players think that every one of us has braincells, but that's not true," I spoke out. "The Council has only one braincell and it's ᓵ⍑ᒷℸ ̣'s," I continued.

"Sad, but true," Upton nodded.

"We don't need braincells or positive IQ," Sherenidy mentioned. "We can just do shit like we want to and then be fucked up because we have no idea what we're doing," She continued.

"That's what we do," Mao smirked nodding in agreement.

"That's why The Council is such a mess," A female voice spoke out from the backdoor.

I turned around to see a blonde Main admin leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, Unneless Edita Fade! You're a mess too!" Sherenidy smirked.

The blonde admin grinned at her full name, "At least you didn't use one of those shitty nicknames," She mumbled.

"What did you say ᒷ↸↸╎ᒷ?" Sherenidy gave her an innocent smirk.

"Never mind.." She groaned and made her way to her seat next to Chet.

"You know where the others are?" Mao asked running a hand through his brunette hair.

"⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ is running some quick test to make sure everyone is alright and the rest are on their way, I guess," Edita shrugged.

"Basically we are the only members who are actually fine and not badly injured," Upton sighed.

"Count ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ instead of me, I'm apparently badly injured," Edita sighed.

"There's eight of us then," Chet counted, being the only one with a braincell.

"Yay, now we can go and kick Oneuses ass without dying!" Sherenidy exclaimed dramatically before hitting her head on the table.

"Oneus isn't even that strong, it's just Zanax with her Witchcraft," I pointed out.

"So basically, if we get Zanax out of the way, we can easily take care of him?" Upton asked.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at me and Upton.

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