Chapter 32

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Fuyuhiko POV

That night, Y/n is put into a chair. The real Byakuya put belts on their arms and legs so they can't move. They also had this weird thing put on their head. there's a bunch of wires coming out of it. I watch from an observation room. The glass is a one way mirror. Byakuya straps them in. They told them what they would do to get their memories back and they were okay with it. they have to be consious for this but I wish they didn't have to be, it would've be better for all of us. Byakuya asks them if they're ready. They nod and Byakuya turns on the machine. I see them flinch. They start shaking as if being electrocuted. This continues for about an hour. After they look at me. I see them mouth a single word to me before passing out.


"WE NEED TO GET THEM TO A MEDICAL ROOM!" Byakuya yells quickly strapping her out of the chair. I rush into the room and help byakuya carry Y/n. Him holding their arms behind him on his shoulders, and me holding their legs in front of me. Out height difference makes them look like they're falling backwards. We bring them to Mikan. Mikan isn't in the most coherent state right now, but Kimura isn't here.

"W-What happened?!" Mikan exclaims.  
"We restored their memories, but their heart rate started going down," Byakuya says.


"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THIS YOU BASTARD!" I yell at Byakuya, about to grab his collar.

"It's not my fault Gremlin, we've never had a successful attempt," He says. 

"I-I'm sorry f-f-for interupting b-b-but... I can t-t-try t-to f-fix them..." Mikan says.

"DO IT!" I yell. Mikan hooks them up to some machines and a heart monitor. She gets something that looks like two irons.

"P-Please leave the room..." Mikan says. We leave. I guess I'll come back later...

(When you wrote a Byakuya x reader before this lmao)

"Idiot..." - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu X readerWhere stories live. Discover now