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This chapter is going to be some background on the story, mainly my OC, Kei, and the details of the slightly altered timeline. I'd like to make a disclaimer (apart from the usual I don't own bnha)- all of the information I use has come from either the Bnha anime, or from online sources that may be based on either the anime or manga. (Look at the image header above for a visual character sheet I made!)
Kei Takada- Family:
-Born October 17th, currently 15 years old
-Half English, half Japanese.
-Japanese father died when Kei was five. English mother is a nurse, specialising in deaf or blind patients.
-moved to Japan when he was two.
-Older brother Wakusei Takada, age 19, currently travelling abroad.

Quirk + 'the incident':
-at age seven, a villain attacked a small bank and Kei was caught up in the fight. He was trapped under debris from the building, and suffered severe injuries, especially to his left side and face, from the villain's flame quirk. Severe burns on 15% of body.
-due to damage to his eyes, Kei was told he would be permanently blind.
-his quirk had manifested about a year earlier, and had seemed completely useless to Kei, who could only create small breaths of wind.
-after the incident, Kei's ears began to concentrate the air pressure on their own, sharpening his hearing until he could detect objects and movement through hearing alone. However, his ears are so sensitive that most of the time he has to wear noise cancelling headphones, to keep the noise at a manageable level. His fingertips did a similar thing, and he can feel vibrations through surfaces, so often wears gloves.
- his quirk strengthened over years until it became very powerful, Kei found it had many uses.

Kei moving to UA:
-Kei's mum received a job offer in early March, in Musutafu, the city where UA is. After some discussion, Kei was going to take the entrance exams for UA separate to the other students as he'd already missed it, and then start the year with the rest of the class.
-a week or two before the new school year was due to start, their house move date was pushed back a month, and Kei had nowhere to stay closer to UA, so had to enroll at a local high school, Seijin, for the time being.
-UA allowed him to join his class after their half term break, during which he moved house, and begin his time at UA later than the other students.

Altered BNHA details:
-in order to fit Kei into the class, I had to remove Sato, sorry if you liked him (I tried to choose a mostly background character)
-terms begin at the same time as canon, except events like USJ and everything after have been pushed back about a month, and Kei joins class 1A for 'term 2' (in Japan there are three terms, in the uk we three but with week-long half term breaks splitting them into six, so technically in japan this is still term 1)
-class 1A still did the quirk apprehension test and hero training in UA, but not USJ or any arc after that.

Currently there are no trigger/content warnings needed, although I will warn for some violence/fighting/bullying in later chapters. If the warnings change, I'll be sure to mention it in advance. Also, if there's anything i need to warn for that I might overlook or that is commonly overlooked, please comment! I'd hate to miss something that I needed to warn about! Or if you have specific things you need warnings about, message me or comment! I won't judge.

As of yet I haven't written any ships into the story, though I have kinda set up the possibility of TodoDeku or Todoroki x OC. I've never tried writing romance before so I honestly don't know how that will go (also I'm on the aromantic spectrum so it will be... interesting) if you readers have a preference for one of those, or any other ship then I will consider adding those in! I'll try and write a fair few chapters in advance so the sooner you mention something the better :)

I think I've included all the necessary information, please comment if there's something I missed or that doesn't match up! Or if you have a question about anything, feel free to comment and I can edit the chapter! I'm writing this at midnight so it's very possible I missed something. To reiterate what I said at the beginning- my information about the My Hero Academia characters, events and timeline has come entirely from the anime and online sources, I haven't read the manga as of yet. (Apart from the first few chapters)

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope this page helps you understand the character, plot and timeline better! The image header for this chapter is a character sheet I created for Kei, it's all original art (except for the image in the bottom left corner) I hope that helps you visualise the character better :)

A question for the readers: Kei doesn't yet have a Hero Name! Based on their quirk and personality, please suggest a hero name for them! I'd really appreciate it as that section on the character sheet is currently blank.

I'll publish the next chapter within a week! Or when we have a fair few reads/votes!


Word count: 864
Publication date: 11th January 2021

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