V15 - Chapter 186

Start from the beginning

This resulted in the enormous amount of Imperial legion being ambushed and decimated by the Wood Elves archers and skirmishers during the opening battle. The Moon Elves' Shade Magic couldn't help much as the Wood Elves created vines that immobilized the Moon Elves' movements as they unleash their Shade Magic, causing a lot of them to fall prey to the rain of arrows. Some experienced Moon Elves managed to escape the vine trap and killed a large number of Wood Elves before being taken down and the Imperial force used their numerical advantage to overwhelm some Wood Elves positions. However, in the end, the Wood Elves with their Fey magic, experience in jungle warfare, remarkable archery and tenacity prevailed with minor casualties.

"That brat of an Emperor is gonna send more men not to mention powerful war beasts to attack us!! Next time we might suffer even greater casualties," a Wood Elf states.

"What are we gonna do now, my Lord!? NATO hunts had desolated us hard enough recently and now the Imperial force is targeting us because we won't join their doomed cause! We will suffer a lot in the long term for fighting the two front wars," Haoulis states.

"Actually, this is a perfect opportunity to lay low for now from NATO hunts as well as preventing more Imperial attacks on our territories," Lashin states

"How my lord?" Haroulis inquires

"We're gonna send the messages NATO will desperately want and the Imperial force will suffer dearly for attacking us because we don't want to kill ourselves with them!" Lashin states.


---Western Falmart, Traiza Fortress ---

Date: April 22nd, 2026

Two French Army NH90 helicopters land outside of a fortress.

Major Grégoire LeBeau and the rest of his French Foreign Legion unit stormed out of the helicopters. They rushed through the destroyed gate – that a French Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopter killed.

Through his FÉLIN system, the French version of the American NETT Warrior, his sensors detect three swordsmen's reaction to their attack. He sees dead bodies all over the ground from the helicopter attack.

He did not have to order his unit to attack. They are some of the best warriors in two worlds with a long history of war. The three swordsmen fall quickly.


"Roger," he replies. "Team two, secure the upper area of the facility and look for secondary objectives. Team one, let's find those hostages."

As the unit blows the door open leading into the fort, this mission is to find the missing American prisoners that the Empire took from Earth.

He follows two of his soldiers into the room and the three guns down four more swordsmen. He hears gunfire from his second team as they start clearing out the fort.

As they move down the hall, an arrow comes at them. It hits his point, soldier.

"Cover!" a soldier yells.

A soldier grabs his comrade and checks on him. The arrow hit the body armor and didn't punch through it. While body armor is useless against magic, they are still useful against standard arrows.

His soldiers fire down the hall, and he hears the scream of a soldier dying. "Advance quickly. I don't want them to kill the prisoners because we are dragging our feet."

"Roger," everyone says.

He moves through the hallways. His FÉLIN shows him there is a stairway. According to the CIA, this is a holding cell on the second level. Their informant said the prisoners should be there.

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