Return of The Avatar.

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As the flare from the Fire Navy's destroyed ship lit up the sky and became what seems to be a permanent alert to the nearby Fire Nation ship and the Southern Water Tribe's entirety. Aang and Katara made their way back as the tribe's children came running towards them with large smiles on their faces. While the adults simply looked at them with skepticism on their faces.

Sokka and Y/n both in front of Gran Gran and the rest of the women of the tribe.

Y/n (whisper): "I knew something was off..."

Sokka start walking towards the duo that just returned and spoke.

Sokka: "I knew it. You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare. You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?"

Y/n walked up and put his hand on Sokka's shoulder.

Y/n: "Woah there Sokka, we can't just go assuming things here. Katara, what happened?"

Katara held her arm in front of Aang in defense.

Katara: "Aang, didn't do anything, it was an accident.

Aang: "Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby-trap and, well, we— we boobied right into it."

Y/n turns to face Sokka with a questioning look on his face.

Y/n: "There's a ship near here?"

Sokka: "Yeah, it was an old Fire Navy ship that came around many years ago, by the time Gran Gran was still a child. We were told to never go there or near it."

Sokka then turns to Aang and Katara.

Sokka: "And you two went inside! Katara, didn't Gran Gran tell us not to go ther-

Gran Gran interrupted Sokka's scolding by telling Katara that going into that ship was forbidden and that she shouldn't have gone there in case of nearby danger.

Aang: "Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault."

Aang looks down, ashamed of himself.

Sokka: "A-ha! The traitor confesses!"

Sokka points a finger at Aang.

Y/n: "Careful Sokka, when you point fingers there's three more pointing back at you."

Y/n spoke his best to light up the mode and to soothe the bone crushing tension.

Sokka: "Warriors, away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village."

Katara interjects as the children turn around and leave Aang alone.

Katara: "Sokka, you're making a mistake."

Sokka: "No, I'm keeping my promise to dad. I'm protecting you to threats like him."

Katara: "Aang is not our enemy. Don't you see? Aang brought us something we haven't had in a long time-fun."

Sokka: "Fun? We can't fight firebenders with fun!"

Y/n just stands there, awkwardly twiddling his thumbs. That was basically a callout to him.

Aang: "You should try it sometime."

Y/n sits down on the snow and places some snow around his bandages.

Y/n: "That's not helping your case there Aang."

Sokka: "Get out of our village, now!"

Katara walks up a bit.

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