The Desert and The Serpent's Pass (part 1)

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Fun fact!: Y/n was supposed to awaken his bending earlier on.

With the disappearance of Appa weighing down on everyone's hearts, the scorching heat from the sun's rays cooked their skin and dried their bodies as they walked to find a way out of the sandy ocean.

The winds howled, brushing up sand towards our adventurers, forcing them to stand their ground and cover their eyes.

The winds stopped blowing, giving everyone a chance to relax.

Momo hopped onto Katara while Cosmo dug himself deep into Y/n's satchel.

Aang looked at the sandy horizon before gripping his staff.

Turning around with a rage, Aang glared at Toph.

Aang: "How could you let them take Appa? Why didn't you stop them?!"

The avatar's sudden yell alerted the rest of the group, slightly startling them in the process.

Toph covered her eyes from sand before looking in the direction of Aang's voice and speaking.

Toph: "I couldn't! The library was sinking, and you guys were still inside, and—

Aang stomped to Toph.

Aang: "You could've stopped to get us, I could've saved him!"

Toph took a step back.

Toph: "I could hardly feel any vibrations out here. The Sandbenders snuck up on me and I didn't have the time to—

Aang grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

Aang: "You just didn't care! You never liked Appa, you wanted him gone!"

Katara and Y/n took this moment to try and de-escalate the situation, so they walked up to Aang and placed their hands on his shoulders.

Katara: "Aang, stop it. You know Toph did all she could. She saved our lives."

From behind the group, Sokka spoke up while dusting himself up.

Sokka: "Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make it out of here."

Aang kicked the sand beneath his feet and turned to Sokka.

Aang: "That's all any of you guys care about, yourselves."

Aang began to angrily walk down the dune they were in while holding up his glider.

Aang: "None of you don't care if Appa is ok or not."

Aang hopped on the ground and took a slouched sitting position.

Katara and Y/n turn from behind him.

Katara speaks.

Katara: "Aang, we're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting, now."

Aang grits his teeth and groans.

Y/n takes steps towards the Airbender while facing slight resistance from the wind that began to pick up strength.

Once he reached Aang, he crouched down and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Y/n: "Aang, we all love and care for Appa. We're all worried about him, but Katara's right. We have to keep a clear mind and not fight between each other."

Aang's eyes widen in anger.

He grabs Y/n's hand from his shoulder and yanks it off, slightly hurting the older lad.

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