Jet and The Great Divide

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There was a bug on a large tree branch doing nothing but it's own business, while just standing there and doing nothing, it failed to realize the orb eyes of a certain purple bat and flying lemur.

Momo and Cosmo jump up at the bug, but it manages to escape and fly away.

The two creatures weren't satisfied with their work, so they followed suit.

Jumping from tree to tree, trying to catch the darn thing, the bug leads them both to a small patch of berries on the floor.

As they both inspect the fruits, they go to take in a bite, only for a "clink" to be heard.

Before they knew it, a trap set off and they were getting lifted up the tree tops.

They weren't the only ones however, there were a few more traps just like theirs with plenty of animals around, each grunting for freedom.

With the group everything seemed a bit off.

Normally, Momo would be jumping silly looking for bugs around them, and Cosmo would be hogging Y/n's hair to himself.

But it was just quiet, too quiet.

Sokka was laying against a treetrunk, trying to catch some shuteye, Aang was meditating, and Y/n was getting his hair done by Katara, who was humming as she stroked her brush along her friend's king brown hair.

Aang: "Uh, hey guys?"

Aang looked at his friends.

Y/n: "Yes, Aang?"

Aang: "Where's Momo?"

Sokka sits up from the tree and stretches his back, popping every bone in his vertebrae, slightly weirding out his friends.

Sokka: "[Yawn], Now that you mention it, it's been pretty quiet around here. But It's pro[yaaaawn]bably nothing. Maybe Momo found a cute lemur girl and is on his honeymoon. And same with Cosmo, he co[yaaaawn]uld be on a nice little date, forgetting about all this commotion, action, Zuko, and stress."

Y/n and Katara giggle and Sokka's remarks.

Their giggle were immediately shut down by familiar screeching echoing throughout the woods.

Aang: "That was Momo!"

Y/n and Katara quickly get up, Sokka on the other hand was being a bit difficult and lazy so Y/n got his glaive and bonked Sokka in the noggin with the blunt butt to jog his mind back in place.

Y/n: "Get up, our friends are in trouble!"

Sokka rapidly scratching the swollen bump on his head gets up and grabs his boomerang.

After they were ready, they ran towards where they heard the screeching.

Looking up, Aang sees a few creatures locked in curcular cages amongst the branches.

Using airbending to get up to where Momo and Cosmo were, Aang lowers down the cage using a pulley system that was there to lift the cage up.

Y/n and Sokka pressed on the cage's center and move the bars to allow freedom to their little companions.

Feeling slight guilt for not freeing the other animals, Aang tries to make his way towards them but Sokka doesn't feel like waiting so he calls out to Y/n.

Sokka: "Y/n, help me out here."

Y/n turns to Sokka and sees him pointing at the cages.

Y/n: "Gotcha!"

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