The Fortune Teller

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(I love talking with y'all in the comments! Some of y'all nice, some funny, some of y'all gotta keep it between your pants. But it is understandable.)

(Give it a guess as to who ran towards the nearest gas station to buy a phone charger to keep pushing to get this chapter out. That's right, this guy.)

Sitting in a riverside, gaining their much needed rest, our squad of heroes lay down in their campsite, each doing their individual things. Aang is sleeping, Sokka is laying down, Katara is just sitting there, admiring the beauty of the woods behind them, and Y/n is trying to remove those chains off of his wrist.

When suddenly, a large green fish jumped out from the water, catching Katara's attention.

Katara: "Look!"

The young water tribe girl calls out, getting the attention of her friends.

Sokka stares as the fish jumps up from the water multiple times with a strange smile.

Sokka squints his eyes as he catches the fish jumping up from the water, the fish giving off a smirk of its own.

Sokka: "That thing is definitely taunting us... you are so gonna be dinner!"

Sokka runs to his tent behind him and grabs a fishing pole.

Sokka: "Y/n, grab your spear thingy and help me take this guy down!"

Sokka calls out to his chained friend.

Y/n looks at Sokka with a sad look on his eyes and shows his wrist.

Sokka: "Right... sorry."

Y/n sighs and goes ankle deep in the water.

Aang: "Woah, you plan on wrestling that thing?"

Sokka and Y/n look at Aang.

Sokka with a resentful look at the fish, and Y/n with a determined look of his own.

Sokka: "Wait a second, where is the fishing line?"

Sokka turns to the remaining members relaxing in the campsite.

Aang: "Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka."

Aang shows Sokka a necklace of flowers he made out of the fishing line.

Sokka takes a look and groans.

Sokka: "Gah, it's tangled!"

He says disappointingly.

Aang: "It's not tangled, it's woven. I made you a necklace, Katara."

Aang shows Katara the necklace he made.

Katara: "Oh?"

Aang: "You know, since you lost your necklace, I thought I could make you a new one."

Aang smiles as he hands it over.

Katara: "Oh, it looks beautiful. Thank you, Aang."

Sokka turns to the water as he sees the fish jump up again.

Sokka: "You know, maybe instead of saving the world, why don't you get into the jewelry making business."

Aang: "I don't see why I can't do both."

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