The Chase

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No "enjoy the chapter!" Drawing for this one, fellas. Well... until maybe in like a few days. I'll probably add one.

Fun Y/n fact #2!: My second rendition of Y/n was an adult and a silent protector that used to be part of Azula's top guards. But no matter what I tried, that Y/n didn't quite fit into the story well and I couldn't seem to pop out that much content with him so I scrapped the idea.

The nightly search for a good camping sight couldn't have gone any better.

Breezes from the night's winds kept everyone's temperatures well regulated and the atmosphere kept them well rested.

The addition of a new member to the squad was an extra happiness boost.

Everyone was up and ready to start the day the best they could. Their cheerful and happy attitude matched with the constant songs of tree-bound birds.

The merry band of travelers were getting off of their 10 ton fluffy companion. Each after the other carrying their own stuff like personal belongings, sleeping bags, spare clothes, and such.

The newly added Toph smelled the air of the environment and smiled before stomping her foot at the ground.

Toph: "You know, you guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft."

Sokka, who was helping Y/n being down a ball of clothing, the content of which belonged to the two of them— looked at the blind earthbender with a raised brow.

One glance at the floor beneath Toph and Sokka's face twisted with an expression of slight cringe.

The "grass" was a messy white spread around the area caused by the group's Bison's time of shedding.

Sokka: "That's not grass. That's Appa's shedding—


Everyone's attention was drawn to the person who sneezed. That person being Y/n, his runny nose, and Cosmo with an equally bad reaction to the excess fur.

Sokka: "Bless you—

Cosmo suddenly released a cough. The mucus from the back of his throat ejected towards Katara, landing on her shirt.

Katara stretched the bottom of the shirt to get a better glance. Her regret was immediate and so was her gag.

The young Waterbender shut her eyes and shivered.

Katara: "Gross..."

Sokka smiled and pointed a finger at his sibling.

Sokka: "Haha, look at you—

Sokka's words were stopped as Cosmo released another ball of mucus at his shirt, causing him to shudder and turn around while slouching at the floor.

Toph raises her brow and moves her feet around to get a good feel of the bison's shed.

Toph: "So much hair. Kind of gross."

Aang, who was sitting on his bison's head, birds surrounding his person while Momo tried to eat them, looked at his earthbending teammate with a smile.

Aang: "It's not gross. It's the beauty of spring. You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat."

Katara turned to her side and saw Appa scratching his itchy paw with his mouth before sticking out his tongue to reveal the hairs that made their way into his mouth.

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