The Avatar State

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Before I continue the chapter, what was your favorite relationship in the last season?

Waking up in a spur, Avatar Aang gasps as he holds his head at the palm of his hands.

He's been having recurring dreams lately about those moments of anger or sadness that take a hold of him and invoke the power of the previous avatars.

Looking to his side he notices Y/n sleeping rather soundly on a hammock above Katara.

Trying his hardest to get off of his hammock and not fall on Sokka, Aang makes his way up from their room with a latter.

Once he finishes climbing, the scent of the sea enters his nose as the boat they were staying in gently swam.

To his left, further out on the deck on the boat, he notices constant bickering from whispers and echoes.

Turning his face to the echoes, he notices a figure in a meditative pose.

The figure's transparent skin and black fog around it immediately struck Aang.

Aang: "You're..."

The figures head turns to Aang, it's eyes a bright and his face reminiscent to that of his friend.

Tene: "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you, Avatar Aang?"

Aang: "You're the spirit that appeared in the North Pole."

The mysterious entity nods his head, proceeding to stand up.

Tene: "That would be correct."

Looking at Aang's face, the being raised a brow. His face remaining of neutral or unbothered expression.

Tene: "You seem troubled, Avatar. What is the matter?"

The young Airbender looked far out to sea as his troubles clouded his mind.

Aang: "Nothing. It's just a nightmare."

Walking to the young avatar, Tene places a cold hand on the boy's shoulder.

Tene: "Well then, let's have a seat and talk about it, shall we?"

The avatar looks at the abyss-black entity and nods.

Taking Aang's hand, Tene walks him out to the deck where he was previously meditating.

The two got into a meditative pose as the air around them changes to a relaxing warm.

Tene: "You may begin, Avatar Aang."

Aang: "I was in the Avatar State, but I was outside my body watching myself. It was scary. I was scary."

With an acknowledging hum, Tene continued to listen to the Young Avatar's troubles.

Aang: "And being the avatar... it's just... so many responsibilities tossed on one person. I'm not sure if I'm going to be a good avatar and make everyone happy."

Tene: "Ah, doubt and fear. Have no worries, young avatar. You have been bringing balance to the world for millennia, and you will continue to do so, until your connection is severed."

The being's words slightly resonated with Aang and brought him a piece of mind.

Tene: "I have been alive for as long as existence has been a thing. I have been watching so many events unfold in so many places. Events one would deem as unthinkable and impossible. I have been watching you, all of you, since the first avatar came to be."

Avatar: The Last Airbender x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें