Louis: Bad Boyfriend (4)

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Louis POV

When I woke up, I was surrounded by bright white walls. The light in the room gave me a headache and when I went to adjust myself, I stopped because it hurt ,then I noticed my left leg was in a cast up to my thigh and I had stitches from a cut on my right thigh. My chest to my stomach was wrapped in a bandage, as well as my wrist. I had an IV in my hand, giving me morphine and fluids, along with some other medicine.

I had oxygen tubing into my nose which helped me breathe as I hurt everywhere, although the morphine took most of the edge off, which was nice. I noticed I was alone and moving hurt a lot. About 2 minutes later a nurse came in to check me.

"Ah Louis it's good to see that you are awake." She said cheerfully. She began to take my vitals and check over my injuries and when she pressed down on my stomach, I grabbed her hand.

"Hurts." Was all I muttered out. She took her hands away and apologized, finishing up her check.

"Alright so everything looks good. You'll probably be in pain for a while and we do have someone asking about you." She said smiling.

"Harry?" I questioned. She frowned.

"No but I think the doctor is talking to him now. But your boyfriend is here waitin in the hall. Do you want me to grab him?" I started panicking because I wanted nothing to do with him, as this could be my one chance to get away and reveal the truth as there was evidence. "Woah, woah calm down Louis."

I was hyperventilating and couldn't control my breathing. The nurse put an oxygen mask on my face to help me breathe normally, but it wasn't really working. She tried to hold me down while she pressed the emergency button on the wall. I struggled in her grip and ended up pulling out my IV. The pain at this point was extreme, but I didn't care. I just didn't want to be near Damien.

Harry's POV

"Louis Tomlinson?" The doctor asked as he walked into the waiting room. I stood up quickly, Niall and Liam following close behind.

"Yeah we are here for him." The doctor nodded and gestured for us to follow him. He took us into an office where we could all sit down.

"Louis is fine." He started and we all breathed in relief. "He's banged up for sure, but he's fine. He's got a minor concussion and a badly sprained wrist. He broke both bones in his right leg, so he'll be in a wheelchair for about 6 weeks. Also he has quite the bruising on his chest and side, but they don't appear from the accident. We are looking into it, but you guys probably know more. Who does Louis currently live with?"

"Damien, his boyfriend. He was in the accident with Louis." I said, while the others nodded in agreement.

"Does he ever seem intimidated by him, or by anyone in his family? Or even better question, do you ever see Louis by himself without Damien?" The doctor asked, writing down on his clipboard.

"I mean not really. They live in a house together, but Louis never goes out with us unless Damien is with him. So I guess not." Liam said and I was just shocked to think that Damien could ever do this.

"Did you notice any changes in Louis' behavior after him and Damien started dating? For example, if he always sleeps without a shirt, did he switch to sleeping with a shirt? Did he start to seem like he was hiding things or not telling you guys stuff, even the little things about his and Damien's relationship?" It clicked in my head after the doctor spoke and I immediately felt bad that I hadn't noticed how he changed.

"Haz?" I was interrupted from my thoughts by Liam tapping me on the shoulder. "You are with him the most and talk to him the most. Did you notice anything?"

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