twenty eight

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Yana has been MIA since last night. She wouldn't accept my calls and messages. I have asked Veronica and Heather and they didn't know.

"But Miss Davis, Yana is turning eighteen next week," both girls hummed, and we all knew what it meant. I didn't know Yana and I had such little time together and she wouldn't tell me when her birthday was. It seemed like fate was playing tricks on us. Last night was when I last saw and touched Yana and I am missing her terribly.

"What should I do?" I asked the girls as they try to think of ways.

"I love her so much," I started tearing up and Veronica comorted me. It was Yana's touch I wanted but knowing that these two girls were closer in distance to Yana eased me up.

"We know Miss Davis. We'll try to do something," both girls promised and they left.

As soon as they left my phone rang and I ran to it hoping it was Yana.

"Yeah?" I try to sound not disappointed to hear the sound of my mom.

"Dad left?" I felt so happy and relieve at the news. Problems piled on me last year as I thought of ways to pay off dad's debt but to our surprise he left us alone and we could finally breathe.

I know Yana was getting married but it just seem so painful that she won't be mind anymore. When Mrs. Hearst came to my house I promised to fight for Yana despite the choices she gave me. I'd rather lose my job than lose Yana forever. I don't know when she occupied my whole heart and I want her to remember my promise that was my reason for the ring.

But if she marry someone else I will be happy for her, support her in life and continue to love her.


A box came into my mail box. It was days since my last contact with Yana and I have been asking information about her and even Nica and Heather were not responding to me anymore.

I opened the box and a beautiful white dress lay on it and there was an envelope. My heart ached as I opened it. It was an invitation to a wedding. Big letters of Adrianna and Christopher welcomed me and the time of wedding tomorrow. She was so beautiful in her wedding gown. Her dark hair was in a puffy low hair do with a braid wrap around it as she smiled beautifully. She was sitting as the man was standing behind her, his hand on both her shoulders. They looked genuine and happy together.

My heart hurts so much. It hurts. Never make a promise to love someone forever because it hurts so much. The love of my life is marrying someone else.

Despite the constant worries and nagging of Max I decided to hurt myself one last time, to attend the wedding. Max decided to come alone with me since I had a plus one. I wore the white dress I guess Sophie sent. How can a mother be so cruel to her own child?

Max looked neat in his tuxedo and he hugged me, rubbing my back and telling me it will be alright. Will it though? My eyes were still red and swollen from all the crying but thankfully it was able to be covered by make up. I needed to be brave if I wanted to see my beautiful Yana one last time.

Nica and Heather saw us and they looked surprised. They apologized that they weren't able to respond to me since their phones were confiscated.

"Miss Davis, you have two minutes if you want to see Yana," Nica said as she guided us to a private room where I hoped Yana was. She looked around and made sure no one was there and opened the door.

A very beautiful woman stood there in white with her back facing me. She was sobbing but she stopped whe she heard my heels clank. She cleared her throat, "thank you for coming to my wedding."

She then turned around and surprised to see me, clipping her lips together as she try to fight back her tears. Her beautiful face was sad and I suddenly ran to her and wrap her in my arms. Her smell, her warmth, her heat and just everything about her, I wanted to feel them one last time.

"Don't cry. It's a beautiful day," I whispered, trying to fight back my tears as well and wiping off the tears on her eyes. Her hand wrap around my waist and my hand behind her neck.

"You wore my necklace," she said to me, her breathing irregular from the crying she had a while ago and I nod. "I promised to wear it didn't I?" She chuckled and kissed me.

She took her phone out and I couldn't contain my tears as she requested to take the last photo of me. "Pose for me, my love," wiping my tears I smiled for the camera and kissed her one last time. Our kiss was not the usual kiss we always do. This was a kiss of goodbye.

"I love you so much Yana Hearst," I whisper then Nica knocked on the door that it was time.

This was the end and I promised to support her didn't I? No matter where she is, no matter who she's with my love for her will last. Though it will be hard our love for each other will forever be in our hearts. It will be remembered and cherished.

This was the Story of Us



i swear i cried writing.

thank you for your support guys. special mention to DREAMEVL soujanee whateveriwqnt
you guys inspired me to write gosh thank you so much. love u guys. thank you for your constant support and comments.

I have thought of a sequel to this book if I had more support. more drama and shit.

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