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Elina's POV

It's been a few month of ignoring and avoiding Yana. Anxieties creep in my mind at the thought of somebody finding out what happened. I confess to liking her because she was intruiging and mysterious but I am a teacher and she is my student.

It was not easy acquiring my diploma and finding a job at this school and I wasn't ready to be labeled as a pedophile and taking advantage of a minor. I wasn't willing to take the risk for Yana whom I've just known for few months. Yes, she was stunning and made me come no one else did but she wasn't worth taking the risk. This was just a casual hook up.

After that night with Yana, fear enveloped me when I saw the young woman lying beside me. There was something good in Yana but she guarded herself by being a bitch to everyone.

The day when she raised her hand at me I couldn't move. I could have easily defended myself but panic interrupted my mind when I remembered dad hitting mom and me.

Mom knew how to fight but she didn't abuse her power and just let dad hurt her and me. Everynight would be the casual beat up and the bruise he'd give us and he left a scar just below my left breast. Mom couldn't handle seeing dad hurt me so she sent me to Asia where I finished my schooling and she migrated to America ilegally. We had no more money and Uncle Igor was kind enough to take in mom and me.

That was what's eating me.


"So the answer is 4. Understood?" I directed to the class who was listening to my explanation. For the past month, Yana and her friend Mason has been busy either disrupting the class or skipping lectures but she seem to still have good scores during the quizzes and homeworks. Mason and Yana were not in their seat and Nica frowned as she tapped on her phone which meant trouble.

The fire alarm echoed the building and I was not informed of any fire drill today. Instructing the class to remain calm and form a single line, we exited the the building. Heck, if there was really a fire, I'd instruct the class to run. Laughter echoed the corridor as Yana and Mason sneaked their way to the class. Giving Yana a look, she snickered and looked away. Yeah, definitely them.

Mrs. Foster calmed everyone down as she informed somebody to check what it was. She didn't have to that. The imposter was among us.


"What the fuck? Lies," Yana scoffs as we sat in the principal's office. After school, I told on her before Mrs. Foster could lose her mind with all the events occuring. First flat tires of the teacher's cars, the cafeteria food tasting salty, the gym looking like an after party, the walls painted with I don't know art I guess and now the fire bell echoing non stop. All these happened when Yana and Mason were skipping classes.

Mrs. Foster seem to not take my side when I suggested detention for Miss Hearst. "I don't think that's necessary Miss Davis," Mrs. Foster chimed in, fingers interlaced. For the past months that I have worked I have taken noticed and informed that the Hearst Family don't seem to care what Yana does and the admin just leave her alone to not get in trouble with the family.

"She needs to be responsible and she is acting immature," I sigh, Yana crossing her arm and eyeing me as if she has something against me.

She stood from her seat with her arms still crossed, visibly upset, "you want to talk about responsibility Miss Davis?" Oh shit. "Detention," I cleared my throat. "I'll take full responsibility," I added to a sighing principal in front of me. I have given five detentions so far for Yana Hearst and counting.

"You, come with me," I hiss at Yana, she shrug and follow me behind.  Locking the door when Yana leaned in one of the desk, I fold my arms. "The woman is old, stop stressing Mrs. Foster her out," I say standing in front of her, just few feet apart and she chuckle making her way towards me. "It would be too obvious if I don't cause trouble. Yana and stress always go together Elina," she say as she wrap her arm around me, snuggling in the crook of my neck. I shake my head and take her in, my arm wrapped around her neck and say, "but you're gonna give the woman a heart attack," interjecting, I sigh and pull her close as possible.

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