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Weeks left until Christmas. I don't really celebrate it though, it's not really important to me. Holidays were just another day to me, no meaning. Elizabeth invited me to have Christmas overseas with her family but I declined. The only day to be celebrated was the New Year. My New Year Resolution? To live my life to the fullest until I turn eighteen.

Regarding Elina, her car was normal now, boring. Well she'd give me the looks from time to time especially when I'm with Elizabeth but they don't work on me anymore. Elizabeth occupied my mind anyways since she was clinging to me like glue. Elina would partner us with different people. What's her problem anyway. Heather was... she was still Heather. I caught her crying again and this time I didn't give a fuck in comforting her.

"Yanaa," Nica groaned in my couch, playing with the twin cats. Fun fact, she gifted them to me on my sixteenth birthday and I love them dearly.

"What?" I replied, rummaging my closet.

"Can I ride with you to school?" she asked and I nodded but she was driving.

After choosing an outfit we went to school. The building ws decorated with stuff. Was anything happening today? Nica was confused just as I was, stepping out the vehicle, Elizabeth wrap her hands around my neck and locked our lips. Smiling, I push her gently and stroke her face. Yes, this was one of the things I learned searching the internet. Please thank Elina for that.

"What's going on?" I asked the brunette regarding the decorations.

"It's Talent Show Day," she replied grinning excitedly. This was one of the things I liked about Elizabeth, she was pure joy. She laughs when she's happy. She doesn't put up a front.

Nica and I had our face like ohhh. The school does this every year. Students and teachers get to have the chance to showcase their talents. Nica joined last year and she embarassed herself on stage. Well it was the talk of the year.

Holding Elizabeth by the waist we made our way to the gymnasium where the the Talent Show would unfold.

TALENT SHOW was displayed on the top of the stage, spotlights and decorations here and there. They really worked hard on this. Grabbing three seat for Nica, Elizabeth and me, I bumped into Elina. I shrug and left before she could say anything.

"Thank you kind friend," Nica said, kissing my cheek.

I wipe my cheek and say, "yuck." Elizabeth laughed and sat beside me, so I was in the middle of these two and we were in front row.  Soon the building was occupied and lights turned off and spot light on the stage.

"Did you sign up for the show?" I question the two and they shake their head. Teasing Nica, she raised her middle finger, reminding her exhibition last year. "Remember when you threw up on stage because you drank with me the night before?" I whispered, laughing silently. She rolled her eyes, "don't remind me."

The emcee started the program and introduced the first performer. A lot of those who joined were first years, showcasing their talent in music, comedy, venriloquist, stunts and etc. Mrs. Foster even performed, this caused the students including us to clap and laughed. She showcased the talents of her dogs which was cute.

Elizabeth kissed my cheek quickly and I smile at her and I intertwine our fingers. Elina came out the stage with her partner and we locked eyes and she quickly looked away. Elizabeth would whisper from time to time but I was curious what talent would Elina do.

"Okay class, what I'm going to do is to teach you how to protect yourself and fight back," she spoke through the microphone. The students cheered and my eyes never left hers. She positioned herself in front of her partner and demonstrated self defence, teaching us a few tricks. Kudos to Natasha huh.

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