twenty five

881 41 1

I was excited for my trip with Elina. It's Christmas break and she does not know where we were going. I just told her that it was a surprise. Being sneaky, I made sure to acquire her passport two days ago and she doesn't seem to notice its absence.

Pulling her to our date car she squealed in excitement. "Pose for me El," I requested and smiled at the camera. "Why do you never take pictures with me," she looked sad and I kiss away her sadness. "I don't want my phone to be filled with my faces," I excused and she takes it.

Our passport and tickets were in my bag. After telling Heather about Elina's advice, she said she'll try to tell Freddy during the break and hope he won't back out like Elina said. Nica was on her mission to persuade her brother about not agreeing to marry Heather and let's just hope for the best. I didn't bother telling mother where I will be going since she'll know of it sooner or later.

She texted me a few minutes that I would be meeting my fiancé when I get back. See? Told you.

We were ten minutes away from the airport and Elina seem to not notice yet. Making a quick stop for toilet break, I ask her to pose for me again.

"You're so beautiful El," she blushed and rolled her eyes. Elina was just beautiful and I will never tire letting her know that. We made it to the airport and she was surprised, slapping me in the arm again. Yup, so many marks of her on my body.

"Where are we going? When did you buy the ticket? I forgot my passport," was all she was spewing out from her adorable lips.

"Shut up, I said it's a surprise," I stick my tongue at her as we pulled our bags. We checked in and we had one hour left before our flight.

She rubbed her feet and groaned. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Mom gave these to me," she said. "And?"

"She forgot my shoe size and she gave me two sizes smaller," she groaned and I laugh. "Why are you wearing that anyway?" I chuckled.

"She made me feel guilty if I don't wear them and threatened me for wasting her money," she finished. Laughing at her ordeal, she rolled her eyes at me but I kissed her. She was startled at my action and looked around, cautiously.

"No one even knows us here," I help her to feel at ease and she frowned at me and slide her feet back in her shoes as we were called to get in the plane. We're going to enjoy this trip.


Few hours after the plane took off I fell asleep. I was too excited for the trip that I wasn't able to sleep last night and I was making it up. Elina's hand shake me from my sleep and I groaned.

"Yanaa," she whispered but I ignored her, turning my back to her and continue my sleep.

Whispering in my hear I shot up blushing, "what?" I questioned, this time my attention full on her.

"I want to have sex with you right now," she pouted. Gosh, sex in the plane? Never tried it before.

Looking at the time we were just two hours away from arriving and I persuade her but she was being stubborn.

"Follow me after a minute," she whispered but with authority.

I darted my head to her as she walked away fuck, my face heated as my mind went wild. Swallowing the lump on my throat, she winked before disappearing into the lavatory.

I look around the plane and they seemed indifference to our interaction.

Fuck, I counted the minute, seemingly nervous as I got up from my seat, knocking gently on the door and Elina pull me inside.

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