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Nica and I skipped classes on Thursday. She took care of me while I was feeling sick. My drunk self told Nica about me and Elina and I know she wouldn't tell anyone. Although I was hurt by her I wouldn't dare ruin her career. Being with her made me more mature but now she's gone it's back to my old self. I am free.

By Friday I was able to go and Nica picked me up. We drove on our own vehicle. Nica nudged me when she saw Elina and I roll my eyes. An idea pop in my head and told Nica all about it.

"You sure?" she questioned and I nod. She told me she would support whatever I do and now she has no choice. I took out my phone and took a pic of Elina's vehicle and sent it to a guy I know that could be depended on. Grinning mischievously, we went to class, barely making it by the first bell.

"Where's Heather?" I asked one of my classmate. I knew where she was I just wanted ro remind everyone what a deliquent I was. "Hospital." I gave her a thumbs up and my eyes met with Elina. I raised my brows and rolled my eyes, walking to my desk.

"Please don't be late next time Veronica and Yana." The sound of her voice calling my name sent shivers down my spine, bringing bacm memories of our time together. Late night talks, after school sex, her moaning my name and drinking wine together.

I chuckled and pulled my chair loudly, disturbing the class. Elina ignored me and started the discussion. Throughout the lesson, I comfortably laid in my desk and doze off to sleep.


Who the fuck was calling me. I shift from my seat, annoyed that someone was disturbing me.

"Miss Hearst," the familiar voice echoed, causing me to raise my head in annoyance. "What?" I sassed.

"I said what is your answer for this problem," she asked me, pointing to problem no.3.

I took a quick look and solved it in no time in my head. "I don't know and I don't fucking care," I groaned and went back to lie my head.

"School is meant for learning not sleeping Miss Hearst," her authoritative voice turning me on.

"Fine two," I answered wrongly. I just want her attention even it meant making a fool of myself.

"This is why you should be listening," she frowned.

"Maybe it's because the teacher is boring me," I sassed, folding my arm. This caused the class to oooh.


"I'd like that," I said smirking.

Maybe this wasn't bad after all.

The bell rang for English class and we filtered out. "You're stressing her," Nica whispered and I chuckled. I wanted her to be stressed so her reason for it was because of me. She'd think about me all day long.

Mr. Coleman gave us free time because he needed to be somewhere important so I took this as the opportunity to see how my guy did. By the end of second period it should be done and I was excited. Nica and I talked nonsense stuff just to past time. I demanded to borrow a phone of my classmate and texted Elina to go to the parking lot for a surprise and blocked her number. 

We excitedly went to the window and saw Elina hurrying to the parking lot. I got my phone out and started recording. The look on her face was priceless. Her gray Almera looked like a clown. Not exactly a clown because it was art. Graffiti was art and people seem to not appreciate it like I do. So thank me later for the opportunity to witness art from a guy I know famous for his art in the streets.

Elina walked around her car, with a hand on her mouth. She asked students who did it and they all shrugged. Just like I predicted she tried calling the number of the phone that I just used. She ran her hand on her hair. Zooming in her face she looked my way and I waved my hands at her. Her eyebrows connected and fast walked inside the building. I stopped recording and said goodbye to Nica since I will be on my feet, running away.

As soon as I turned the corner I heard Elina ask someome from the classroom where I was and heard her steps getting closer so I ran.

"Yana!" she huffed.

This brought back memories from the zoo when she was chasing me. I hate the human brain sometimes. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I didn't want to get caught at the moment since I was vulnerable thinking of our past so I ran. All the running from the zoo didn't though. You can't outrun an angry Elina.

We were inside a building under construction when she caught up with me. Not letting go of my arm we both panted, catching our breaths.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she questioned, her knuckles turning white.

"Nothing is wrong with me," I replied, sounding unsure of what she meant.

"I know you did that to my car," she accused me.

"Excuse me but I was in class the whole time so it is very impossible for me to do that Miss Davis," I raise my arm in surrender. Pretending to be hurt by her accusation and of course she didn't buy it.

"I know you. You didn't have to do it personally so you won't get your hands dirty. Stop being immature. Getting in my nerves will not change our relationship and it would be best for the both of us if you move on," she huffed as she was angry.

Immature? Move on? How do I do that? How do I move on from the time we spent together? I started breaking down my walls for you because I wanted to let you in. Most of my time was spent with you because I liked being around you. You made me happy just being by my side. You even threatend to tell on me to Natasha if I don't treat you right that is why I had to search the internet things I wouldn't ever do. How could I forget the times when you drink your wine and confessed that you liked me all the time. It was your fault from the beginning. If you didn't tell me that...maybe my feelings for you wouldn't exist. How can you tell me to move on. Was it that easy for you?

Biting the insides of my cheek, I turn around and walk away.

I'm done seeking for your attention.


She moaned when I cupped her breast, inserting my tongue in her mouth. She was a good kisser but she wasn't Elina. Fighting for dominance, I unzipped and pulled down her jeans to her knees, touching her core and stroking her wet clit. Pumping my fingers, she climaxed as she shivers under me. Catching her breath, I wipe my fingers on her underwear and help her dress up.

"What's your name?" I question the brunette.

"Elizabeth," she replied, smirking.

It was never my principle to sleep with a girl from school. It was too much of a hassle for them to cling to me that was why I did my stuff in Katrosa. But I needed to alter my mind from Elina and she was the right candidate since she was attractive and popular.

Offering my hand, she took it and we walked out from the room. The students were shocked when they saw me holding someone. They knew I was not straight but this was new to them. Sooner or later rumors would be everywhere.

I just realized that we had same classes together except fourth period. Her classroom was near Elina's. Pretending not to notice Elina at her door, I pulled Elizabeth to me and kissed her cheek and she blushed.

"See you later," I winked and left. I felt Elina's stare burning hole at the back of my head but I didn't give a fuck anymore. Move on? Sure.

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