twenty four

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Heather bit her nails, very nervous why her parents were at school. "Relax," I laughed at her ordeal, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Hello Aunt Sarah and Uncle Henry," I wave to her mother and father. We were having English class with Freddy and he was sweating and nervous as hell.

"Hello Yana," they both hummed. "If you'd excuse Heather from your class Mr. Coleman," they demanded more than ask. They left before Freddy could give them permission. I really wanted to laugh at them. They were so obvious and of course Freddy looked at me again, the look for a favor. Sighing, I exited the room and heard them talking.

"-meeting him tomorrow," I heard Sarah say. Heather's meeting someone? What about poor Freddy? I only got to know Freddy and he was very kind especially if it was towards Heather and they loved each other so much. I made my presence known since Heather looked like she needed help.

"Oh hi Yana," Henry smiled at me. They didn't have the right to get mad at me since I ruled over them in family ranking.

"What's wrong?" I asked, Heather feeling relieved that I was there.

"Nothing's wrong. We just wanted to inform Heather that she's meeting someone from the du Ponte family."

Veronica's family? If I recall, Nica had a brother who was three years older than she was. Are they planning to marry Heather with him?

"And Heather dear, go on a diet, you're getting bigger," Sarah sighed and Heather looked sad. "It's my fault Aunt Sarah, I let her eat too much during lunch. I spoiled her too much," I pretended to be upset and Sarah was surprised. "Oh, when did you get close with Yana?" she directed the question to Heather, feeling proud that she befriended me. "It's a long story but I'm sure you are busy people, we gotta go," I pull Heather with me and wave them off as we disappear down the corner.

To uplift Heather's mood I comforted her, "hey, it's okay. I'll do something about it." Smiling she says, "really?"

I nod and she sighed a relief. "du Ponte is Veronica's family and I can ask for her help or something. I'm sure she'd help."

"We just need to tell her your situation, okay?" Heather nods and whispered a thank you before we went back to class.

Freddy looked at Heather with worry in his eyes. I gave him a thumbs up telling him not to worry. I should be a counselor or something.


"Are you serious?" Nica gasped, looking at me and Heather's tummy. We gave her the news that Heather was meeting up with her brother but she was more concerned of Heather's tummy.

"Who's the dad?" She questioned Heather and I gave her a nod telling her it will be okay.

"Freddy," Heather sighed.

"Cool, who's Freddy?" Nica asked excitedly. This girl. Heather hesitated, feeling very nervous.

"Mr. Co-Coleman," she stuttered and Nica had a blank expression on her face as she contemplated on the news and finally her jaw dropped. There we go, that's the expression I was waiting for.

"What the fuck?" Nica gasped.

"I swear I said the same thing," I laughed at her reaction. Heather told me to shut up and gave Veronica a pleading look.

"I can't believe you beat up a pregnant woman," Nica said disappointingly. "Hey, I didn't know. I swear only her face was damaged," I crossed my heart and didn't hope to die, jeez I still want to be with Elina.

"I'll try talking to Matt," Nica promised and Heather gave her a hug. If I go back in time and tell my old self that the three of us would become such good friends, I'd laugh at myself and tell to fuck off. Yes, we had become such good friends, well to them I was a good friend since they were leeching goodness from me.

Lunch came around and we went to the cafeteria and wait on our food. Elina was already there with Freddy and they had become good friends as well since I told her about Heather. Max kept giving me a teasing look when Elina told him who gave her the necklace. She kept touching it and giving me the look. God, I could die from that look. I didn't realize I was biting my lip until Nica broke off up trance, "we're still at school. Seriously stop eye fucking." Heather agreed with her and I gave her a really look and she laughed.

"What are we eating today," I scan the menu and hears Heather's tummy growl. "We need to feed her two servings," Nica whispered for us to only hear. I noticed Elina eating fried rice so I ordered the same thing. Nica got pizza and Heather had the need to eat chicken.


"Hey," I gave Elina a peck as soon as she appeared on her door. Going inside she wraps her hand around me, the necklace hanging on her neck beautifully.

"Since holiday is coming up would you like to spend it with me?" She questioned, kissing all over my face.

"Yeah, but I want to go somewhere with you," I bury my face on the crook of her neck. I just love her smell. Just as I was about to touch her all over a voice interrupted us.

"Ugh, why is he here?" I question, rolling my eyes at Agin. "Hey hey, don't be rude. You should thank me that you're back together," he said smiling. Looking back at Elina she grinned shyly. She's so cute when she blushes.

"When will you leave?" Elina slapped my arm because of my rudeness.

"Ow," I rub the spot.

"Don't be mean to my baby cousin," she said pinching his cheeks.

I fold my arms and groaned at Elina being close to Mr. Agin, "if you want to pinch cheeks, I have them too."

Max noticed my behavior and he wrapped his arm around Elina's shoulder, grinning. Frowning I shrug, "Elina, if you don't remove his hand from you I will call a friend," I threatened and she gasped.

She complied to my order and I pull her to me and let her pinch my cheeks instead.

"Such a jealous girlfriend," Max said laughing. Girlfriend? We weren't exactly in that relationship and we know we can't have anything more than our relationship right now, though I wished it were.

Feeling emotional Elina told Agin to get out. Thank goodness. There were silence between us and neither of us wanted to talk. Although we promised not to talk about the time we have left we can't just ignore it. I had a few more weeks with Elina before I turn eighteen and marry someone I do not love.

"Wine?" Elina grinned, pouring me a glass. "You're such a bad influence, letting a minor drink," I joked and she frowned. Why can't I just shut up my mouth. Me marrying someone else was something else but reminding her that she was with me made her feel so guilty. "I'm sorry," I caress her face and she shrug.

"Let's not talk about it okay?" she pecked my lips and nod, sitting on the couch. "So Heather and Fred," she started, still not believing it.

"You should have seen their faces when her parents came to school," I laughed and she laughed, shaking her head. "Does Fred know Heather is a Heaest?" she questioned and I shake my head. Heather was afraid Fred would leave her when he'll know that she was a Hearst. Only Mrs. Foster, Elina and Nica know that Heather an I were cousins.

"I think Fred won't leave Heather if he finds out," Elina commented and I asked her why. "Because from my point of view, Fred loves Heather so much. I mean he is already risking his career for her," she added then her phone rang interrupting our conversation. She answered it and spoke Russian, which was hot.

Although I am a multi-lingual person, Russian wasn't one of the languages I learned. Hearing Elina speak was such another turn on even though she sounded like she was angry.

"You okay?" I asked her and she nods, faking a smile. I didn't push questioning. There are things that we must not talk about. Just like she was understanding with me I was going to do the same.

"Can you cook me fried rice?" she asked sweetly and I nod. Before heading to the kitchen I kiss her and tell her that I love with her with my eyes.

The Story of UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora