Chapter Twenty

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I chose this ring because it is simple and pretty, like Aliza. If you don't like it, I don't really care. I like it, so that's all that matters.

* * *

"Can I look now?" I asked for the hundredth time as Seth led me somewhere with a blind fold over my eyes.

"Not yet. Just a little farther," he replied again.

One step. . .

   Two steps. . .

      Three steps. . .

        Four steps. . .


"No. Almost."

One. . .

  Two. . .

     Three. . .

"How about now?"

"Almost. . .and. . .now!" He took off the blind fold, and before me was the most beautiful scene I had ever seen.

now!" He took off the blind fold, and before me was the most beautiful scene I had ever seen

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"Oh my gosh!" I looked around and Seth led me over to take a seat. "Thia why you made Alex watch Candace? To take me on a date?"

"Well. . .yeah. . ."

"You good? You seem. . .nervous. Something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just. . ." he took on a deep breath and pulled out a black jewelry box. "Will you marry me?"

I gasp. "What?"

"Aliza Helen Ragland, I have loved you for. . .months, and Fate has forced us to be together, but I love you, so. . .will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I am in tears, but nod frantically as he slips the ring on my finger.

"I love you," he whispers.

I whisper it back as he kisses me again, and again, and again. . .until we are both gasping for air. And I didn't mind.

* * *

Time skip - 2 years

Izzy's dress

Izzy's dress

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Her hair

(Btw, I had a lot of fun Googling wedding dresses, rings, and hairstyles

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(Btw, I had a lot of fun Googling wedding dresses, rings, and hairstyles. That might be why I love writing wedding scenes.)

* * *
Seth POV

"Is she coming?" I asked Alex for the millionth time as I waited for Candace to come out with her little basket of flowers, followed by the bride, my soon-to-be wife, Aliza.

As soon as the Wedding March begins to play. . .

Finally, the song began to play, and Candace came down the aisle in her little pink dress, carrying a white basket full of red rose petals, which she threw on the floor, as she walked towards me.

When she was within reach, Kylie grabbed her hand and made her stand beside her, which Candace did.

Then, came Molly, Trixie, and Jenny, the bridesmaids. They came down the aisle in their matching faded pink dresses.

At last, Aliza and Keith came in to view, and she looked beyond nervous.

Her eyes stayed locked on me as she came forward, and I could tell that the only thing between her and the floor was her dad, who held her up by her arm.

I smiled as I grabbed onto her hands and made sure she would not face plant.

We went through the ceremony, I kissed the bride, Aliza threw the bouquet, Jenny caught it, and Iz and I shoved cake in each other's faces.

It was fun, and now, we were having our first dance as husband and wife, to the song, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith.

I watched as Alex held Candace, and did a little dance with her as they watched Izzy and I dance, before he let go of Candace, and she ran to us, jumping in to Aliza's arms.

The slow song then ended, and a livelier song came on, as we all began to dance.

The whole time, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, no matter how hard I tried.

Not that I tried very hard.

* * *

The epilogue, then we are done. Woohoo!!!

~Peggy 💖

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