Chapter Twelve

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I had just put Candace down for a nap when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I answered it, and Old Man H's voice filled my ear.

"Hello young Aliza."

"Hey. . .do you need something?" I asked.

"No, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for coffee in a few."

"Oh, sure. Of course. Can you come get me or. . ."

"I'll be there."

"Alright. See you in a bit."

We hung up and I went to go tell Seth I was going out.

* * *

"So how is it going with Noah?" Old Man H asked as I took a sip of my hot chocolate since I don't drink coffee.

I shrug. "I have this sinking feeling in my stomach, like with Marie and Marco. I don't know what to think."

"Has he done anything?"

"Not yet, but I feel like he will. I saw him through the dining room window Christmas Eve, during dinner. Nobody else did, except me. . .and Candace."

"Ah. Baby Candace. I feel she is more aware than we all know."

"I do to. I think she has more of me in her than we all want to admit."

He chuckled. "Indeed. But on a brighter note, how is your mate?"

"Seth is fine. As far as I know."

"And you? Besides the whole Noah issue?"

"Fine? I guess. It's just. . .I don't know what to think half the time, and I'm just worried that one day I'll wake up, and everyone will be gone. I'm losing people I love because of who I am."

"Have you ever thought of maybe letting them test you?"

"But what about Dad's deal with them?"

"Tell your Dad that you will allow them to run one test, and make him make a deal with the scientists."

"But I already know who I am. . ."

"No. You know what you are. But not who you are. You are half werewolf and half fairy. But you are you besides the super natural species?"

I shrugged.

"I think that is what you need to figure out."

"But I'm not allowing them to test me."

"Then they won't test you. But Aliza, before you decide what to do about Noah, figure out who you really are."


"All your life you have had to hide what you are from people, and now that you are embracing it, it seems everyone wants to get you. Figure out why that is, so when Candace grows up, she will know as well."

I nodded. "I will try. I promise."

"Good. Now off you go. Go back to your dad, your brother, your mate, and your daughter. Make sure they are safe. Figure out who you are."

I walked out the door, letting Old Man H's words bounce around in my head.

Who am I? Besides being Aliza Helen Ragland? How do I find out?

* * *

Chapter Thirteen is short, but that's okay. We will survive.

Hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all in Chapter Fourteen.

(btw; the story is going to get more interesting in a few chapters)

~Peggy 💖

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