Chapter Seventeen

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"You're back!" Trixie exclaimed as I entered the cafeteria with Candace on my hip.

I laughed and, for the first time in a while, felt good about my life.

I got encased in over a dozen hugs, before I got to sit down and eat.

Seth got be a bagel, and I happily ate as he and Alex talked with everyone else at the table, nobody really bothering to bother me, since I've been through so much.

I love them all, but I really didn't want to talk too much. I was tired. And that was exactly what I told Seth when he asked me if I was okay.

I'm glad everything bad is done, and can't wait to build the new chapter of my life, but that'll have to wait for another day.

Right now, I'm exhausted.

* * *

Really short, but I had to rewrite the entire book + this chapter.

Love you guys.

~Peggy 💖

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