Chapter Two

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I was sitting on the couch, watching Candace, who was on the floor playing with her toys, when there was a knock on the front door. I was alone, since Alex was on a grocery run with a couple other guys, and Seth had some last minute things to do.

I stood up, picked up Candace and rested her on my hip, and went to answer the door. When I did, Jenny was there on the other side.

"May I help you?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

She smiled and shrugged. "Look, I know I've been really cold and harsh to you in the past, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. You, me, and Candace if you want to bring her along."

I thought about it. "You sure?"

"Yes. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure."

I smiled and sighed. "Sure. Just let me get dressed, and change Candace. You can come sit on the couch."

I let her in and shut the door behind her, before making my way to my bedroom, leaving the door open a little so Jenny could still talk to me if she wanted to.

"So how's Mike?" I asked. "I haven't seen him in a while."

"He's good. Kind of stressed though," she replied.

"Oh? Why?"

"His mom fell and broke her leg. She's diabetic too."

"Yikes. I feel bad now. I'm sure Mike feels worse though."

"Yeah. He cried when his dad called him."

I came out of my room in a white sweater and black skinny jeans, with my brown boots, carrying Candace on my hip, as I crossed over to her room.

Jenny turned her body towards me so we could still talk.

"What about you?" She asked as I began to change my daughter. "How are you doing?"

"Oh. Fine. I guess. Kind of still in denial that it all happened, but, also happy that the nightmare is over."

"I couldn't imagine going through what you went through. You're freaking strong if you are still able to smile every day."

I laughed. "It's a struggle, but it's worth it. I honestly wouldn't trade my life for anything."

"You wouldn't?"

"No. Yes, it's been a rough few months, but because of that, I'm stronger, and I have a beautiful daughter."

I came out of Candace's room with her in my arms and grabbed some paper to leave Alex a note.

Hanging with a friend, see you later ;)


We then left, and I followed Jenny down the hall, and out the doors of the school.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we could go out to eat. That okay?" She replied.

"Of course."

Jenny smiled and led me to a beautiful red car that shimmered in the winter noon sun.

I gasped.

"Isn't it gorgeous?"


Jenny laughed. "My uncle gifted it to me when I turned sixteen. But I'm not trying to brag."

"Oh of course not," I replied, genuinely believing that Jenny didn't have a problem with me anymore. "But you are lucky to have an uncle who would do that for you."

She shrugged. "I guess."

I put Candace in the backseat of the car, thankful I brought the car seat. Once she was buckled in, I got into the passenger seat and watched as Jenny adjusted herself before pulling out of the parking lot.

She looked back at Candace and said, "I'm sorry for all the shit I stirred up over Mike. I was just. . .jealous. . .that he was friends with a girl as pretty as you. I didn't want to lose him. You. . .kinda made me feel inferior."

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I truly was. I know what it's like to compare yourself to others. I always did. "But while I love Mike, I only love him as a friend. An older brother, maybe, but not in a romantic way. I never have."

Jenny sighed, but it wasn't from agitation. "It's fine. I still mad at myself for saying that I didn't care that you were raped. That is a big deal."

I shrugged. "Yes, but, I'm not really mad at the person who did it to me. He was such a help in bringing down Marie, and he helped save Alex, that I'm not mad. Besides, he gave me my little girl."

I don't know why I was so willing to tell Jenny all this, and I don't know why I trust her so easily now, maybe it's because Mike loves her.

Otherwise, I don't think I'd be able to trust the woman who broke my nose the second time I met her.

She then spoke up. "So. . .why did you name Candace. . .Candace?"

"Well, at first, I thought it was a pretty name. It means pure, but I always wanted a daughter named Candace. Then, my dad told me in was Alex and Damian's mom's name, which is funny because I'm named after my mother, and my daughter is named after her uncles' mother.

"But, when I heard that Candace was Alex and Damian's mom's name, I decided to have Damian be Candace's middle name."

"So what is her full name?" Jenny asked as we pulled in to the McDonald's parking lot.

"Candace Damian Ragland. Sounds kinda stupid out loud, doesn't it?"

She shook her head. "It's unique and her name has meaning and value, and it'll make her feel closer to her family. I wish my mom had named me after my grandmother."

"Oh? What was her name?"

"Rosalind Mary Grey. I have her middle name, but I kind of wish I was a Rosalind."

I giggled. "At least you don't wish you were named after your mother. I'd call you crazy. I'm named after my mom, and when she was still alive, we each had to be called something different."

"What is your name? Everyone calls you Iz or Izzy."

"My name is Aliza Helen Ragland, but everyone calls me Izzy because of when I was little."

"So the nickname kinda stuck?"

I nodded and got Candace out of the back, and left her in the car seat as we headed into the McDonald's.

We continued to talk. We talked about school, our childhoods, who we had crushes on at some point, our mates, everything and anything, really.

We were just trying to get to know each other, and you know what? That was okay with me.

* * *

I remember in book 1, On The Full Moon, I would end a chapter with asking you all a question, but soon stopped.

I'll try to continue that again. . .but no promises that will happen for long. . .


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